Tuesday, January 28, 2025


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seemingly endless beautiful and more wonderfull
After several years of inspiring revelatons and learning a lot ..... ...thinking I had seen it all!  
Read on & treat your believing and grateful eyes to

Fill the World With Love
In the morning of my life I shall look to the sunrise.
At a moment in my life when the world is new.
And the blessing I shall ask is that God will grant me,
To be brave and strong and true,
And to fill the world with love my whole life through.

Each of my recent years, especially since 2020 when I was an invalid unable to walk, have been gratefully for me, years of unceasing prayer and  struggle to be usefull.  
I have been blessed by the Lord with what I consider miracles,
 2023 and 2024 highlighted by 366 mini-hikes, plus a few more in January 2025 with some  pictures taken used to update the book ....right up to when it will be FINISHED....probably with a total of around 380 mini-hikes in the Foothills of Timpanogos  resulting in this book.

2024 ESPECIALLY WAS CRUCIAL, not originally even thought possible, but it ended up being gigantic with new discovery, multiplied learning, and amazing new DIVINE VISIONS of NATURE .....some of the most beautiful and magnificent I have to share with you in this new chapter.

During 2024 I learned...almost too late a time or two that I had to
 hike daily, at least 6 times a week.....or my body literally began to
 die! So even in January, gratefully for me, with manageable temperatures,  I kept doing my hikes with more amazing new discoveries  and the pain was a small price to pay for so much inspiration!  
That made discoveries possible not made previously, 
FOR EXAMPLE:The beautiful plant #1 -Red Stem Filaree or Stork's Bill  had got through the cold temperatures and some snow....still with its beautiful autumn/winter  colors. 

The large Red Stem Filaree I had been following as the largest I'd
 seen.......rather than me eating  it as a salad....in January 2024 the mule deer beat me to it.!

And, below the unique plant 
.....in mid-January 2025 when,  due to the 2024 drought there was no Filaree large enough for me to eat, but there is Salad Burnet I gladly eat   with Thousand Island dressing even in the winter! 

I will begin this chapter with   my first two hikes to the 
 ....the first up the canyon  and then switchbacking up to the SPOT......a sort of long hike for a "recoverinfg cripple" but relatively easy and not dangerous except for those stretches where my trekking poles would keep me from losing my balance and ending up 1,000 feet below but hopefully transported instantlly to my hoped for humble "mansion" on high!  

The memorable one again, was going as straight up the mountain as I could, as you can see below.

When I made the above graphic picture I was feeling pretty good,
 and I included my "GOAL" for the 2024 season of getting up twice
 as high, but I have to be honest in confessing the way it all played
Yes, I did  240 hikes during the year, but the truth is they got shorter, but each took longer as the year went by.  In other words it was getting a bit tougher and the back pain never went away as I hoped it would.  To make it more of a challenge my good left knee all of a sudden began giving me fits along with a few other body parts that I had to figure out how to cope with!
So, I had to swallow my pride,  lower a little my expectations......forgetting that new, hoped for goal,  and yet realize how blessed I was to be able to basically accomplish what was needed to keep me alive, and now be finishing my

As you can see in these photographes Timpanogos was still covered with snow, and the hills  with their drab winter lack of color with the blossoming of my VISIONS of NATURE  still ahead of me.

 The Mule deer were still on the face of Mahogeny Mountain and I got a few good pictures.

I made it in prertty good shape to the
...towards the afternoon, and headed down the safe way as it would
 still get a bit cold being early in the season. 

And I did get a few pictures up high of one of the early bloomers,
#33-DWARF CAT'S EYES from Chapter 3.

It would still take another few days and warmer weather 
for the blossoming to actually take place you can see in 
Chapter 3.

Now, we have to move forward and share with you  below the amazing array wonderful plants and wildflowers discovered in 2024, or......  learned about their identity.....  so that we could back up our interest in the Lord's creations with some interesting and worthwhile information.  We'll begin in the foothills, then move up the canyon, and I'll indicate more or less where each was located. 
 The as yet "unidentified" will be shown in Chapter 8, along with a complete showing of all the 
"136 identified." 

So, here we go with some wonderful new

In the foothills
Purshia tridentata
We begin with a plant hardly anybody notices....along the foothill's trail leaving  the Grove Creek Trail Head behind the new sign on the north side of the parking lot.   There on the south side of the trail we find a string of 
Antelope Bitterbrush 
  I have not previously introduced you to this desert plant....until now
 since...I'll admit not knowing what it was....but surprise....I'm still
 There are other Bitterbrush plants scattered around the foothills and up the canyon, but they are rare.  It's time we learned about this important, plant whose small flower we see enlarged above.

I'll insert below a "look-alike" and ask you,  what is it?

It is #54 -CLIFF ROSE, Chapter 3

Below we see Antelope Bitterbrush soon after leafing 
out in the Spring. 


Bitterbrush is well adapted to desert life: with water-loss resistant leaves and long taproots, a bitterbrush plant may be decades old. Some have been discovered to be well over a century old. The shrub shape may vary considerably, from a spreading prostrate form to nearly a tree. The thick leaves are small, typically less than an inch long, and green underneath, a hairy surface that gives the entire plant a dusty green appearance. Look for the three well-separated teeth on the end of the leaf. Be sure not to confuse this thick, green leaf with the thinner, greyer three-toothed leaf of sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), which is a common associate. The small flowers have five yellowish petals. After looking at them for a while, they do begin to look distantly related to the wild rose.

Besides being an important plant for wildlife, bitterbrush is also used in rangeland restoration. It is a hardy plant of the wild landscapes of Nevada and the intermountain West, along with other common species such as rabbitbrush and sagebrush. Native Americans and Mexicans use it for medicinal purposes, and a purplish dye can be made from a part of the seed. The dry wood is used for firewood.

Slow down, get close.....and you will find BEAUTY!

Antelope bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata) has many benefits, including: 
  • FoodA nutritious browse for livestock and big game, especially in the fall and winter: 
    • ProteinContains higher levels of crude protein than grasses and forbs in the fall and winter 
    • EnergyA good source of energy 
    • SeedsA food source for rodents, ants, and birds 
  • CoverProvides cover for small animals and birds 
  • MedicinalNative Americans used bitterbrush for many medicinal purposes, including: 
    • Treating lung problems and coughs 
    • Inducing vomiting 
    • Treating skin problems 
    • Treating gonorrhea 
    • Treating stomach aches and constipation 
    • Treating venereal diseases 
  • Erosion controlCan be used to reclaim and control erosion in mined areas 
  • Living snow fenceHas the potential to be used as a living snow fence 
  • OrnamentalCan be used in low-maintenance landscapes 
  • Seed dispersalProduces hundreds of seeds per plant, which are dispersed through caching by rodents 


By early May it will be blossoming.

Soon begins the REPRODUCTIVE STAGE developing seeds.

Towards the end of June and into July the task is finished. 



In the foothills

Malva neglecta

This is one you have all seen and contended with in your
 garden or home landscaping.....never realizing 


Common Mallow is a flowering, branching vine that grows in any areas where the soil has been disturbed often reaching 3 feet in length. In open areas, it tends to form a mat of leaves and stems across the ground that can extend several feet. It is from the Mallow family, which includes a number of desirable plants, most notably cotton, hibiscus, and okra. One species of this family (Althaea officinalis) is actually the original ingredient in the making of marshmallows. Common Mallow is considered an invasive weed in some states. 

Common Mallow is a herbaceous perennial, although it is often referred to as an annual, winter annual, or biennial plant because it can be found growing all year. The Common Mallow prefers full sun, moist to slightly dry, fertile loamy soil. It will adapt to different soil types. During a drought, some of the lower leaves on the vine may wither away. This plant can survive irregular mowing or occasional attacks from a weed-whacker.

Mallows only reproduce by seed and their seeds have a very thick coat which slows germination but allows them to survive for quite some time in the soil.  If the seed coat gets nicked or damaged in any way, water can penetrate and the seed will germinate.

Seedlings send out taproots that quickly becomes woody and are difficult to remove by hand or even with tools. Removing seedlings before they have less than four true leaves is best. Removing plants before they flower and go to seed is essential to keeping the seeds out of the soil for future seasons. Solarization and flaming are not effective weed treatments.

 To go to site CLICK


Mallow is a plant. People use the flower and leaf to make medicine.

Mallow is used for irritation of the mouth and throat, dry cough, and bronchitis. It is also used for stomach and bladder complaints.

To treat wounds, some people put mallow in a warm moist dressing (poultice) and apply it directly to the skin, or add it to bath water.

In foods, mallow is used as a coloring agent.

How does work?

Mallow flower contains a mucus-like substance that protects and soothes the throat and mouth.


Insufficient Evidence to Rate Effectiveness for...

  • Bronchitis.
  • Stomach upset.
  • Bladder problems.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Irritation of the mouth and throat.
  • Dry cough.
  • Wounds, when applied to the skin or added to the bath.
  • Other conditions.
More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of mallow for these uses.

Side Effects

There isn't enough reliable information available about mallow to know if it is safe to use.


Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of mallow during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.


The appropriate dose of mallow depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for mallow. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.

Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database rates effectiveness based on scientific evidence according to the following scale: Effective, Likely Effective, Possibly Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Likely Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence to Rate (detailed description of each of the ratings).

FDA Logo

Report Problems to the Food and Drug Administration

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit the FDA MedWatch

 website or call 1-800-FDA-1088.



In the foothills
Capsella bursa-pastoris
 The variety of Shepherds-purse I found in our foothills has some
 unique characteristics,  but the "heart-shaped green fruits" that are the
 seed pods, each containing several seeds, was a sure giveaway to
 identify this wildflower as we see below.  
As you will see it is a very tiny flower.

The following information comes from: 


Shepherd's Purse, Capsella bursa-pastoris, is a plant of the 
mustard family  (Brassicaceae). Native to the Mediterranean region, Shepherd's Purse has b ecome naturalized worldwide and is a common lawn and roadside weed. 
The plant is most conspicuous in the spring and is distinguised for its flat heart-shaped green fruits that are borene along the inflorescence stalks.  The terminal clusters of tiny four petaled flowers are white. 

We learn from: 

Capsella bursa-pastoris, known as shepherd's purse because of its triangular flat fruits, which are purse-like, is a small annual and ruderal flowering plant in the mustard family (Brassicaceae).[2]

Scientists have referred to this species as a protocarnivore, since it has been found that its seeds attract and kill nematodes as a means to locally enrich the soil.

It is native to Eurasia but is naturalized and considered a common weed in many parts of the world, especially in colder climates. It has a number of culinary uses.

In England and Scotland, it was once commonly called 'mother's heart', from which was derived a child's game/trick of picking the seed pod, which then would burst and the child would be accused of 'breaking his mother's heart'.
You will see below it is a tiny flower.

Continues telling us:  



Capsella bursa-pastoris gathered from the wild or cultivated[26][27] has many uses, including for food,[10][27] to supplement animal feed,[26] for cosmetics,[26] and in traditional medicine[10][26]—reportedly to stop bleeding.[28] The plant can be eaten raw;[29] the leaves are best when gathered young.[30] Native Americans ground it into a meal and made a beverage from it.[28]



It is cultivated as a commercial food crop in Asia.[31] In China, where it is known as jìcài (荠菜薺菜) its use as food has been recorded since the Zhou Dynasty. Historically, it was used to make geng soup, congee, and preserved as yāncài (醃菜 ). In the Ming-dynasty famine survival guide Jiuhuang bencao, it was recommended to mix jìcài with water and other ingredients to make bread-like bing[32] Today, it is commonly used in food in Shanghai and the surrounding Jiangnan region. The savory leaf is stir-fried with nian gao rice cakes and other ingredients or as part of the filling in wontons.[33] It is one of the ingredients of the symbolic dish consumed in the Japanese spring-time festival, Nanakusa-no-sekku. In Korea, it is known as naengi (냉이) and used as a root vegetable in the characteristic Korean dish, namul (fresh greens and wild vegetables).[34]



In a poem in the Shijing, the taste of the jìcài was compared to a happy marriage.[35] Its sweet taste is also recorded in the Erya lexicon, compiled c. 500 – 100 BCE).[36]



In the foothills:
There was another tiny flower  that I soon noticed near the Trailhead too, it was: 
Chorispora tenella

The information about this tiny, but beautiful and unique flower and plant, will follow with pictures inserted between plaragraphs

Blue mustard (Chorispora tenella) is a leafy, annual plant with small, purple flowers that is native to Asia and Russia, but is now considered an invasive species in North America: 
  • Appearance
    Blue mustard is a leafy, branching plant that can grow up to 1.5 feet tall. It has small, pink to purple flowers with four petals that form a cross shape. The plant's stems and leaves are covered with gland-tipped hairs. 
  • continued 

  • Blue mustard is a winter or early spring annual that grows in full sun and well-drained soils. It prefers disturbed sites and can be found in agricultural and disturbed areas, roadsides, and rangeland.
  • continued 

Below the seed pods begin developing

  • Reproduction
    Blue mustard produces long, linear seed pods, or siliques, that grow along the stems. Each plant can produce hundreds of seeds that can be viable as soon as 10 days after flowering begins. 
    • continued 

  • Control
    Blue mustard can be controlled with mechanical methods like cultivation, hoeing, or rototilling. Organic mulches, such as compost, bark, grass clippings, or straw, can also be effective. Early applications of 2,4-D can suppress the plant, followed by a follow-up application of herbicides like Telar XP or Escort XP. 
    • continued 
  • Edible
    The entire blue mustard plant is edible, but the leaves are most commonly eaten. The leaves have a mushroom-like taste and a radish or horseradish spiciness. They can be eaten in salads, sandwiches, or sauteed, steamed, or fried.
    • continued 

In the foothills:

I was used to seeing this attractive little plant when living in Springville, Utah, including along the upper reaches of town and the foothills.  In fact last year I got some of the grapes off the lawn of my daughter Mahana's front lawn there. 

But I had never seen it in the Foothills of Pleasant Grove and Timpanogos.....until mid-April 2024 when I found this grouping of plants behind the main Forest Service sign as you hike up the canyon. 

I also noticed as we see below that some of the plants had been nibbled on by deer, or a rabbit. 

Click on this LINK for more information than I'm giving you below.

Muscari is a genus of perennial bulbous plants native to Eurasia that produce spikes of dense, most commonly blue, urn-shaped flowers resembling bunches of grapes in the spring. The common name for the genus is grape hyacinth (a name which is also used for the related genera Leopoldia and Pseudomuscari, which were formerly included in Muscari), but they should not be confused with hyacinths. A number of species of Muscari are used as ornamental garden plants.

The genus Muscari originated in the Old World, including the Mediterranean basin, central and Southern Europe, Northern Africa, Western, Central and Southwest Asia. It has become naturalized elsewhere, including Northern Europe and the United States.[1]

We learn from:  .....For more info CLICK

Are grape hyacinths good for you?

These little spring bulbs can also boost your health, says an expert.

Often seen as the regular hyacinth’s pint-sized poor relation (although they are only distantly related, both belonging to the asparagus family) because of their invasive tendencies, grape hyacinths, also known as muscari, actually have some health-inducing elements, says a bulb expert.

Their flowers look like blue bunches of grapes and are brilliant for carpeting the ground with blooms, naturalising in borders, and also look terrific in containers, rockeries and the gaps at the front of borders, providing a glorious spring display with their pretty blooms in shades of blue and white.

  • continued 

And their perfumed oils can be used for boosting the immune system, says Jonathan Bracewell, bulb and growing expert from J Parker’s (jparkers.co.uk).

As gardeners prepare to plant grape hyacinths in autumn to bloom in spring, he says these colourful, fragrant plants offer some surprising wellness benefits.

Body-boosting vitamin CBracewell says that the grape hyacinth offers high levels of vitamin C.While the flowers are edible, they can be bitter unless cooked, he says. However, across the Mediterranean, grape hyacinth bulbs can be a delicacy and may be pickled or cooked to provide a sharp flavour, similar to spring onions. This is known in Italy as lampascioni and is considered a delicacy.Bracewell explains: “Grape hyacinths are grown across GreeceTurkey and Bulgaria and when cooked correctly are an interesting and complex flavour. Moreover, grape hyacinth flowers are rich in antioxidants and contain high levels of vitamin C, which makes them nutritious and can help with different ailments.”Do not, however, eat any part of the larger, regular hyacinths (Hyacinthus), as they are toxic and can cause stomach upsets .Fragrant shampoo and conditionerGrape hyacinth can be a popular fragrance choice and is used in perfumes, haircare and wellness products for its feel-good floral scent, says Bracewell.“The grassy freshness of grape hyacinths makes it a feel-good fragrance for perfumes which gives a springtime freshness. Many shampoos and conditioners contain hyacinth, which is synonymous with the fresh, floral scent of springtime. It is commonly used in the perfume trade.”Cocktail syrup“Another way to use grape hyacinths is to create a hyacinth syrup; this can be delicious when paired with lemon juice and sparkling water for a garden mocktail while having the vibrant colours of a cocktail,” adds Bracewell.Muscari flowers also contain vitamin A which is known to provide immune boosting properties and support normal vision and skin health, he adds.Take care when handling other varietiesWhile grape hyacinths are generally safe to handle, wear gardening gloves if you are planting the larger regular hyacinth bulbs (hyacinthus), as they can cause a skin rash or irritation, a reaction to the high levels of the mineral calcium oxalate found on the bulbs.If you experience a reaction, wash the affected area with warm soapy water; you can also apply topical antihistamine cream to relieve the itchiness.It’s also essential to note hyacinthus bulbs – the larger flowered types – can be toxic to dogs and children, so ensure they are planted deeply enough in the soil or placed out of the way of dogs and children when storing the bulbs.So, how great are the health properties of grape hyacinths?Guy Barter, chief horticultural advisor at the RHS, says: “They do a lot of good [for mental health] on account of them being beautiful and scented.”But he warns: “We recommend not to eat anything that isn’t sold as a food crop. If it’s not licenced and approved, we are generally very guarded.”How to plant grape hyacinths1. Plant bulbs in autumn to ensure they flourish in spring.2. For best results, plant the bulbs in fertile soil that drains well, ideally positioned in an area where they will be in full sunshine. Plant the bulbs around 10cm deep. When growing a collection of muscari, ensure each bulb is 5-10cm apart to achieve the best display. Grape hyacinths work really well in containers and patio pots to provide bursts of colour, but they can also be planted in flower beds.
The above article discusses planting with bulbs, but they also have seeds as I'm showing you.  I'll end this segment discussing planting from seed with the help of AI

To plant grape hyacinth from seed, you can:
  1. 1. Collect the seeds
    In the spring, after the plant has finished blooming, remove the circular green seed pods and separate the seeds on a damp paper towel. 
  2. 2. Stratify the seeds
    Place the paper towel in a plastic bag or container with some air circulation and refrigerate for up to three months. The cold and moist conditions break the seed's dormancy and increase the germination rate. 
  3. 3. Plant the seeds
    Sow the seeds in a well-draining soil in pots or flats. You can also plant them outdoors in garden beds. Cover the seeds lightly with soil and keep them moist. 
  4. 4. Care for the seedlings
    Mist the seeds when the soil dries out. Once the plants sprout, care for them as usual. 
  5. 5. Be patient
    It can take two to three years for young grape hyacinth plants to flower for the first time. 

Grape hyacinths can spread quickly and easily, so you can try planting them near a walkway to limit their spread. 
You can also plant them with other spring flowering bulbs, like crocus, glory-of-the-snow, small daffodils, and species tulips. 



In the foothills:
Conyzar amosissima
issimaca p C o n y
Late in the 2024 season on October 4th, 100 yards up the road from the Trail Head,  I noticed a small plant  about 6 inches long that I had never seen before....nor since.  I discovered it late in its development, but followed it for about a month with the pictures below.
It is right in the middle of the first picture.  Do you see it?

I had trouble seeing it too......
......finally I saw it aided by my slow motion stalking pace! 

Here it is when I first found it.  We are looking at 6 inches of plant, so the flower heads, with only one or two actually blossoming still.....are very tiny. 

The picture below represents about 1 inch of it's length, so the flower in the upper right corner is about 3/16th of an inch in diameter.

I spent a lot of time trying to identify it, and here and there picked up clues, and finally concluded it was the closest to 
which   on a website map, that has escaped me, indicated it has spread all over....including in Utah.  Some of its characteristics fit, one or two don't.  So I could be wrong, and will do my best to keep an eye on that area in 2025 and do a better job documenting this little plant.....hopefully from germination on. This is another plant I'd never seen before in this area or in the Springville foothills.  

We learn from: 

Dwarf Canadian horseweed, also known as Conyza ramosissima, is a small, daisy-like flower that's native to North America: 
  • AppearanceA perennial plant with a rosette of leaves at the base and a narrow stem with whorls of leaves. The flowers are white and yellow, and resemble miniature daisies. 
  • RangeCommon in the central United States, from New Mexico to Alabama, and north to Pennsylvania, Ontario, and North Dakota. 
  • HabitatGrows in fields, roadsides, and waste places. 
  • Growing conditionsPrefers sun and medium water use.
  • Conyza, also known as horseweed, has many benefits, including: 
    • MedicinalSome species of Conyza have astringent, diuretic, and tonic properties, as well as hemostatic qualities:
      • Conyza canadensisThe aerial parts of this plant contain catechins and flavonoids, which can act as an anxiolytic and antidepressant.
      • Conyza floribundaExtracts from this plant have antibacterial and antifungal properties.
      • Conyza bonariensisExtracts from this plant have antimicrobial, anti-aging, anti-oxidant, and anti-cancer activities.
    • EnvironmentalConyza can thrive in low-fertility soils and is drought-tolerant. It can also help prevent erosion and stabilize soil.
    • BiodiversityConyza is a pollinator magnet and provides a sanctuary for wildlife.
    • EdibleConyza can be added to salads or other dishes.

The overlaping leaflets under the flower head indicate that it is possibly of the Aster family and 
Google AI confirmed that, but other things reported didn't seem to fit.  

When taking these photos, that have all been enlarged and cropped to zoom in more, I didn't notice until getting it on my large computer monitor the tiny almost transparent insects we see below in two pictures. 

Getting photographs in 2025 of germination and growth, especially with good pictures of it blossoming, will help confirm  identification that I will insert here. Get more information at: 



In the foothills & lower canyon:
Alyssum alyssoides

For more info:   CLICK 
A very fine stemmed, short, yellow blooming annual weed is now present, according to Extension Agent Mary Rumph. Yellow alyssum (Alyssum alyssoides) and desert alyssum (Alyssum desertorum) are non-native, annual, weedy forbs (i.e., herbs) that are becoming more prevalent and problematic, especially in western, central, and southeastern Montana. Though plentiful, the alyssum is fine stemmed, flowers and then dies, and is often not noticed later in the growing season, said Rumph. Yellow alyssum and desert alyssum are native to northern Africa, Eastern Europe, and western Asia. 
  • continued 

Brought to North America for medicinal reasons, these plant species are purported to cure hiccups, mental illness, and rabies. Yellow alyssum, also known as pale madwort, was first reported in Canada in 1896 and believed to have arrived in the U.S. even earlier. Desert alyssum, sometimes called dwarf alyssum or desert madwort, was first reported in the U.S. in 1941 and Canada in 1955. Together, these two weeds now infest 37 U.S. States and seven Canadian provinces. 

Yellow alyssum, also known as pale madwort, has several benefits, including:
  • MedicinalYellow alyssum was brought to North America from Eurasia and Northern Africa for its medicinal properties, which were said to cure hiccups, mental illness, and rabies. 
  • Weed controlYellow alyssum can be used to fill in gaps in gardens and suppress weeds. 
  • Companion plantYellow alyssum can be used to lure aphids away from vegetable plants.
  • continued 

  • Pollinator attractionYellow alyssum's sweet, honey-like fragrance attracts bees, butterflies, flower flies, and stingless wasps. 
  • Erosion controlYellow alyssum's low-growing nature and tolerance for thin soils makes it an ideal choice for erosion control. 
  • Butterfly gardensYellow alyssum is a good choice for butterfly gardens because the caterpillars of certain butterfly species feed on it. 
  • Rabbit-resistantRabbits do not eat yellow alyssum, so it can persist in gardens where rabbits are present.

This absolutely magnificent little beauty is only about
 1/2 inch in diameter, but  it a real big

Then came REPRODUCTION & CREATING of  SEEDS to fill their world with more beauty!



In the foothills & lower canyon:
Marrubium vulgare
I first found this plant along the road up from the Trailhead, but then began finding it in many spots along the foothills, with the largest and best examples of the quite exotic looking plant way up halfway to the Valley View Spot.

Below we see a newly germinating plant from the many hundreds of seeds produced from each plant....produced in a very unique way as I will show you as we scroll down.

Around each stem it develops rings of seed pods, each pod
  producing a white blossom as we see above and below.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Marrubium vulgare (white horehound or common horehound) is a flowering plant in the mint family (Lamiaceae), native to Europe, northern Africa, and southwestern and central Asia. Specifically, it emerged in the region between the Mediterranean Sea and Central Asia and now inhabits all continents.[4] It is also widely naturalized in many places, including most of North and South America.

It is a grey-leaved herbaceous perennial plant, and grows to 25–45 centimetres (10–18 in) tall. The leaves are 2–5 cm (0.8–2.0 in) long with a densely crinkled surface, and are covered in downy hairs. The flowers are white, borne in clusters on the upper part of the main stem.



The Oxford English Dictionary derives the word horehound from Old English hoar (furry, as in "hoarfrost") and hune (a word of unknown origin designating a class of herbs or plants). The second element was altered by folk etymology. The word "White" is generally used in botanical contexts, to distinguish it from Black Horehound, Ballota nigra, a similar-looking herb.



Folk medicine


White horehound has been mentioned in conjunction with use as a folk medicine dating at least back to the 1st century BC, where it appeared as a remedy for respiratory ailments in the treatise De Medicina by Roman encyclopaedist Aulus Cornelius Celsus.[5] The Roman agricultural writer Columella lists it as a remedy for expelling worms in farm animals in his important first-century work On Agriculture.[6] Since then, white horehound has appeared for similar purposes in numerous herbals over the centuries, such as The Herball, or, Generall historie of plantes by John Gerard, and Every Man His Own Doctor: or, The Poor Planter’s Physician.[7]

M. vulgare has been described in monographs of the German Commission E as a treatment for colds, as a digestive, and as a choleretic.[8] It is one of the ingredients of the Ricola throat lozenge.[8] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not endorse the plant for use as a drug, but includes it as a safe food additive.[9]



Horehound candy drops are bittersweet hard candies like cough drops made with sugar and an extract of M. vulgare. They are dark-colored, dissolve in the mouth, and have a flavor that has been compared to menthol and root beer. Like other products derived from M. vulgare, they are sometimes used as an unproven folk treatment for coughs and other ailments.[10][11]

M. vulgare is used to make beverages such as horehound beer (similar to root beer), horehound herbal tea (similar to the Maghrebi mint tea), and the rock and rye cocktail.[12]

🤍💚 White Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) is a gentle presence in the garden and a powerful presence in the apothecary! With soft green leaves and delicate white flower heads that cluster up the stem as Summer climbs to a peak, it is rich in aromatics that help respiratory health.
Horehound gets its name from ‘hoar’ meaning white as in ‘hoarfrost’. Like the frosts it comes back every year, and like a seasonal cough out comes the horehound. It is considered a renowned expectorant helping to clear congestion, notably when the cough is unproductive. Downy or hairy plants are often used for helping the lungs with the doctrine of signatures relating the cilia in the respiratory system to the delicate hairs on the leaves.
A member of the mint family, white horehound is a hardy perennial that can withstand heavy frosts as well as periods of drought. It grows to around 60cm tall, prefers full sunshine and thrives in poor, low-nutrient soil. Harvest the leaves before the prickly flower stems start to grow.

I wasn't too pleased with the pictures I have of the seed calpsules, and the tiny seeds themselves, so on January 7, 2025 I took advantage of still no snow in the foothills.......except for a couple of times, but by the time I was up and moving it has been gone......and so I went for some seeds.  The  capsules were mostly empty but with enough for a couple of good photos you see below.

An extra seed or two of another variety sneaked in, plus I believe a tiny rock......mixed in with the White Horehound seeds. I inserted a penny to give us an idea as to size of the seeds....which now will be planted around my home, so....

..........  I will have surrounding me ....
"...a gentle presence in the garden and a powerful presence in the apothecary! With soft green leaves and delicate white flower heads that cluster up the stem as Summer climbs to a peak, it is rich in aromatics that help respiratory health."

In the foothills & lower canyon:
Alyssum desertorum

For more info:  CLICK
Describes Desert Madwort:
Description • Height ranges from 3 to 10 in; growth forms can range from prostrate to erect as the plant matures • Stems are simple, range from few to many, and arise from the base; leaves and stems are pale green or grayish due to a layer of silvery hairs • Leaves are small, linear, generally less than 1 in long, and taper to a point where they attach to the stem • Flowers are pale yellow and appear along the upper 4 in of stems; flower stalks typically produce 30 to 40 flowers, which are less than 0.1 in across • Flowers first bloom at the bottom of the stalk and last at the top; flowering occurs in late spring to early summer • Seed pods are very small, flattened, and shaped like table tennis paddles Interesting facts When magnified, the fine hairs present on the stems and leaves of desert madwort appear star-shaped. This distinctive botanical characteristic is referred to as a stellate hair pattern in many plant identification keys.

In December the plant still has green leaves  on the stem as we 
can see below. 

It is a plant native to Africa and Eastern Europe.  It was brought to
 the U.S. for it's possible medical benefits, which purportedly are:
  Curing hiccups, mental illness and rabies.    


....our next  Divine Vision of Nature gave me 
fits....as did quite a few. 

I zeroed in on the flower head, seen below, and did an identity
 search.  Sometimes those searches were like magic, but more often
 than not they gave me no easy answer.  Sometimes the genie in my
 laptop seemed as clueless as me, other times she would lead me to
 something similar that after several more steps led me to success.
  Others times....NOTHING, and I had to search the old fashioned

The above photograph led me to the one below, called 
But, so many things didn't fit, but led me eventually to my
 conclusion that we are dealing with.

In the foothills & lower canyon:
Lepidium heterophyllum Benth 
Below I will show you it's growth pattern that sometimes would
 result in one final result, others times with a more spectacular
...Vision of Nature.

As we observe its growth and development I will insert below a few paragraphs of information from: 
For full info CLICK

Lepidium heterophyllum (Smith's cress or Smith's pepperwort) is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family which is native to parts of western Europe, growing in shingle banks, wasteland or cultivated fields.



Lepidium heterophyllum is similar in form to native Lepidium campestre and especially at the early seedling stage, both have been misidentified in Belgium.[3]

It is a perennial,[4] which can grow between 10–90 cm (3.9–35.4 in) tall.[5] The hirsute (or hairy) stems,[4] are often branched from the base,[5][4][6] It has grey-green foliage,[6] that has narrowly triangular,[5][6] variably toothed,[6] stem leaves which cling to the stem with long pointed auricles.[6][4] The stem leaves can grow up to 50 mm long.[6] The basal leaves are different, they have long stalks and are strap-shape,[6] or oblong-elliptic.[4] They can often have 1-3 pairs of small but broad sided lobes, they quickly fade at blooming time but can re-grow as the plant goes to seed.[6] It blooms between May and July in the US.[4] The very small flowers (2–3.6 mm (0.079–0.142 in) long,[6]) are on short stalks at right angles to the stem, the plant can have several crowded, parallel-sided flower spikes.[6]



It has been used in experiments growing in soils high in copper content, to determine if the plant could be used to help clean contaminated soils. [8]



It was published and described by George Bentham in 'Cat. Pl. Pyrénées' on page 95 in 1826.[2][4][9]  It has one known subspeciesLepidium heterophyllum subsp. rifanum (Emb. & Maire) J.M.Monts.[2]  The specific epithet heterophyllum, refers to the Greek for 'different leaves'.[10]

It has a few common names including 'Smith's cress' and 'Smith's pepperwort',[11] this is due to the plant once being named Lepidium smithii, by Sir William Hooker, in honour of the botanist, Sir James Edward Smith.[5] This name is now regarded as a synonym.[2] It is also known in the US, as 'purple antherfield pepperwort'[12][13][14] The pepperwort name came from plant looking like a 'pepperwort' (Lepidium campestre or other Lepidium species).[5]



It is found in Europe within DenmarkFranceGermanyIreland, the NetherlandsPortugalSpain and the United Kingdom.[15]

It is also widely naturalised in other parts of Europe such as Belgium, the Czech RepublicFinlandNorway and Sweden. As well as CanadaChile and the United States.[15] It has been recorded as found in British ColumbiaNewfoundland and LabradorCaliforniaColoradoMaineMassachusettsNew York (state)OregonPennsylvania and Washington (state).[4] The records from Maine and Massachusetts are based on old plant collections, and it is not fully known if the plant has become established as part of the weedy flora of those states.[4] 

Some of them grew tall, rather than spread out. 

Below is a cropping and enlargement of the upper right portion of
 the above photograph.

Below we zero in on the flower head.

Following are a few selected paragraphs of interest.


Lepidium heterophyllum, commonly known as different-leaved pepperweed or varied-leaved peppergrass, is a species of annual herb in the Brassicaceae family. It is native to western North America and can be found in habitats such as meadows, roadsides, and disturbed areas. The plant has small white or pink flowers and leaves that are variable in shape and size, hence the name heterophyllum. The leaves and seeds of the plant are edible and have a pepper-like flavor and can be used in salads, soups, and sandwiches. The plant also has a history of medicinal use by native peoples of North America, but there is little scientific evidence to support these uses


Smith's Pepperwort, also known as Lepidium heterophyllum, is a plant species that belongs to the Brassicaceae family. It is a native plant of North America, particularly in the western United States, including California, Oregon, and Washington.

The Smith's Pepperwort plant typically grows up to 20-60 cm tall and has several erect stems with leaves that are alternate, narrow, and finely dissected. The flowers are small and white, growing in clusters at the top of the stem, and eventually form seed pods that contain small brownish-black seeds.

One of the unique characteristics of Smith's Pepperwort is its ability to grow in harsh and disturbed habitats, used by Native American tribes for medicinal purposes, including as a treatment for colds, coughs, and fever. The plant contains glucosinolates, which are sulfur-containing compounds that have antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer properties. The roots and leaves of the plant have been used to make poultices to treat skin infections and wounds.

Today, Smith's Pepperwort is also being studied for its potential as a biofuel crop. Its ability to grow in harsh environments and its relatively high oil content make it a promising candidate for use as a renewable energy source.

Despite its many uses and benefits, Smith's Pepperwort is considered a noxious weed in some regions, particularly in New Zealand, where it has become invasive and poses a threat to native plant species.

Smith's Pepperwort is a fascinating plant with a rich history of traditional uses and potential for modern applications. Its use as a medicinal plant by Native American tribes speaks to its therapeutic value and highlights the importance of preserving traditional knowledge and practices.

The plant's ability to grow in harsh environments and tolerate drought and salt also makes it a valuable resource for ecological restoration efforts. In disturbed areas where native plant species have been depleted, Smith's Pepperwort can help stabilize the soil, prevent erosion, and provide habitat for wildlife.

The above photo is reminiscent of  the second picture of 
#116-Desert Madwort 
and begins to cause reconsideration of identification ....
....except for all the beginning stages of development which are almost totally different!

In addition to its potential as a biofuel crop, Smith's Pepperwort has also been studied for its nutritional value. The plant contains high levels of vitamins C and E, as well as minerals such as calcium and potassium, making it a potential source of dietary supplements or functional foods.

Smith's Pepperwort also has cultural significance, particularly among Native American tribes. For example, the plant is known as "tayi" in the Paiute language, and its seeds were used as a traditional food source. The Paiute also used the plant's roots to make a tea that was believed to have medicinal properties.

In addition, Smith's Pepperwort is also being studied for its potential as a natural insecticide. The plant's leaves contain compounds that are toxic to certain insect pests, such as aphids and spider mites, but are safe for beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs. By using Smith's Pepperwort as a natural insecticide, farmers can reduce their reliance on synthetic pesticides, which can have negative effects on the environment and human health.

Overall, Smith's Pepperwort is a plant species with many unique and beneficial characteristics. From its traditional uses as a medicinal and food plant to its potential for modern applications in biofuel production, phytoremediation, and insect control, Smith's Pepperwort demonstrates the importance of preserving and harnessing the value of biodiversity. By understanding and conserving plants like Smith's Pepperwort, we can promote ecological sustainability, support human well-being, and preserve cultural diversity.

I somehow lost some of the pictures of several stages of
 development but it was reminiscent of the way Desert Madwort
produced seed.....which iniatially had me thinking this plant was
 that.  I'll insert a few of those pictures below.....
.....the three of #116-Desert Madwort seed production. 

Remeber the above three photos are of Desert Madwort in its last stage of life. 

Yesterday, January 15, 2025 I hiked up to get pictures of
in its last stage of life....

It certaily looks exactly like Desert Madwort, and maybe I wasn't wrong concluding it was for a long time. 
 Yet this is a photograph of one branch of the plants we have seen in this segment of Smith's Pepperwort....very different in the early stages of development!  
Note: I actually snipped it off and brought it home hoping to get a seed or two....but failed at that, and took it's portrait in my backyard.

Yesterday, January 16, 2025, temperature up to 43 derees I hiked up to where the trail takes off up the mountain....and where I took the photos of  Desert Madwort, and got the following photos:

And below on the left the  one identified as Desert Madwort, and on the right the one I'm calling Smith's Pepperwort  both branches  brought home yesterday, January 16, 2025. 

They look exactly the same to me, so herein is my 
problem of not being an expert.  The one on the right taken from the plant you see below at sunset...sorry bad picture, but its the one featured in this segment....Smiths Pepperwort.
Below when it was green still

Then this one  pictured poorly at the end of  its final phase....DEATH.
From its beginning in this segment all seem to be in harmony with
  what is shown on the site mentioned below but they stop short of
 showing pictures of the plant all dried up. 

There are arguments both ways......so until I know better, maybe
 following them closely  during the 2025 season, I'll leave both as

With the following question:

Produced many pictures in the plant's final stages....several of which in the green seed phase were the same as mine making me feel a bit more comfortable with my choice.
On my cold January hikes trying to do this right dealing  with the
 above plants......
I also carefully brought home some branches of Sweet Clover that
 had a few seed pods so I could photograph them along with a penny
 to show the tiny size of the pods....and I was lucky getting pictures of
 a few seeds. Those photos will be added to 
#87-Chapter 6. 

Second Note:  In taking the photos I noticed along the edge of the doorway to my Cabin-A, that from all the seeds I collect and bring home to photograph and sometimes plant, a few swept out with the debri....and are sprouting in my doorway, one of which we see below. I'll follow it too with photos.....maybe in Appendix 2......at least until whatever it is prevents me from getting in or out!


In the foothills & lower canyon:
Lepidium draba

Below we see this plant growing in the canyon, down the road 20 yards from the diversion dam.

Here it is growing in the shade as a solitary plant or two.  This plant
 is usually of the foothills and grows differently here than in its
 normal environment. How the seed or two got up here is anybody's
 guess.  After a few pictures of its development here in the canyon,
 we'll move down to the foothills and the edge of Pleasant Grove.

Next we'll see this "solitary" variety of the plant, and zoom in on the
 tiny flowers that I never bothered to do with the plant in the

Now we'll move down to the foothills and see it grow quite
 differently, but the above closeups of the tiny individual flowers, are
 sure identification that we are seeing the same plant.....at least the
 same family!

Below we see a new plant growing from seed.

And, here we see sprouts coming out of an older root base
of this perrenial plant.

Down in what I have called "the grass area" near the water tank  of
 Pleasant Grove, we see it growing on what in Guatemala we would
 call an archeaological mound.

Zooming in on a hungry bee, we should also notice the tiny flower
 heads, and how they are a perfect match for the variety of Hoary
 Cress or  Whitetop, we saw up the canyon. 

Below, on the edge of the Foothills of Timpanogos, we see a
 landscaping use of this pretty plant, then before we end this
 segment seeing SEED PRODUCTION, let's take a look at other


Hoary cress, also known as whitetop, has some health benefits and can be eaten, but it can also be a weed that harms crops. 
Health benefits
  • Anti-scorbuticHoary cress can help prevent scurvy 
  • Bitter tonicHoary cress can stimulate digestion and increase stomach acid and digestive enzymes 
  • Flatulence remedyHoary cress seeds can help relieve flatulence 
  • Fish poison remedyHoary cress seeds can help treat fish poisoning 
Edible parts 
  • Young leavesCan be eaten in salads or used as a seasoning
  • Immature flower topsCan be eaten
  • SeedsCan be used as a condiment or pepper substitute
  • AllelopathyHoary cress roots release chemicals that can hinder the growth of crops
  • Crop yield reductionHoary cress can significantly reduce crop yields
Hoary cress is a member of the mustard family, Brassicaceae. It has grey-green leaves with soft downy hairs, giving it a whitish appearance.

Click for more info:  CLICK 

Family: Brassicaceae (Mustard family)
Genus & Species: Lepidium draba
In Northern New Mexico, you will see this noticeable member of the mustard family blooming in the spring months of April and May.
Whitetop is a European and Mediterranean native that has spread to the Americas and Africa. The plant is considered an invasive species in the United States.
Like most plants in this family, the flowers have four petals making a tiny little cross, giving this Brassicaceae family of plants its previous name of Cruciferae. As the name implies, the flowers are white and the plant forms broad flourishes of white patches growing almost anywhere it can gain hold, from sea-level to altitudes of 8,000 feet. Like many mustard family plants, once the flowers are fertilized, it forms little heart-shaped seed pods borne at the end of long stems.
As one of its common names implies, "wild broccoli" is an edible plant. The edible parts are the young leaves and immature flower tops. Like many of the mustard family plants, they have the spicy hot-mustard flavor reminiscent of horseradish.
This "spring green" edible also frequently has a bitter taste that is similar to mustard greens and makes it one of those early-season plants that are considered a spring tonic. Early spring bitter plants have the property of stimulating the digestive process and enhancing the volume of stomach acid and digestive enzymes.
Traditional cultures in temperate climates who consume dried meat, fruit and grains during the winter season find that bitter spring greens help in changing over to a summer diet of more fibrous vegetables. Along with quelites (lamb's quarter or wild spinach), whitetop is one of our most delicious wild spring plant foods. It is important to note that this is one of those "marker plants" that dogs tend to pee on when they make their territorial rounds, so try to collect it in an area away from main travel paths.
As medicine whitetop has been used as an antiscorbutic (for preventing scurvy) and as a bitter tonic.Preheat oven to 375.
Rob Hawley is co-owner of Taos Herb Company. For information, call (575) 758-1991 or visit the website taosherb.com


Follows more information about

From this website we learn:
These plants are native to the Middle East and the former USSR. The weed seeds were probably brought to this country with contaminated alfalfa seed. Whitetop was first identified in Gallatin County, Montana in 1916. It has spread to about 32,000 acres across the state. It may be more prolific in other western states.

 Edibility: As all mustards, this early season plant has been traditionally eaten as a spring green. Add a few leaves to a salad for a spicy mustard flavor. Some prefer to cook whitetop in one or two changes of water (3-5 min. each). Please see the forager blogs Hunger and Thirst for Life, as well as Wild Food Girl for recipes and discussions of a potential safety concern.

 According to the Plants for a Future database"young leaves and shoots [are eaten] raw in salads or cooked as a potherb. A report says that the young leaves contain the toxin hydrogen cyanide, though does not give any more details. In small quantities this substance is fairly harmless, and has even been recommended as having health benefits, but caution is suggested if you eat these leaves. 

The pungent leaves are used as a seasoning. The seed is used as a condiment, it is a pepper substitute." [Plants for a Future]. Rub the dried pods between your hands to knock the seeds loose and gently blow to separate the pods. Add the seeds to a salad or any dish for flavoring, or grind them and add vinegar and oil to make mustard paste.


Looking foward to eating some HOARY CRESS seeds!

In the foothills & lower canyon:
Asperugo procumbens
We are here learning about what is a tiny plant 
and even smaller flower, but.....

....which I can make big on the screen so we can appreciate
its beauty, not just in the flower, but also in the leaves.

So, below we see the small plants already blossoming.

However, under the right conditions it can grow into a 
very large plant.....always with tiny flowers as we see below.
This large plant was photographed up Grove Canyon.

Yet, it can also be a single plant as seen below.

Let's see the development of the plant under ideal conditions.....
at least half a day of shade, and more than average moisture. 

I noticed the small plants developing behind a large rock at the
 Grove Creek Trailhead.


The tiny flower almost went unnoticed by me, and for sure by most
 of the lhikers in the area, but here it is.

This plant/flower was identified from the 
For more info:  CLICK

Do you notice the tiny red chigger on the right/back leaf.  Might be best to add here just a word about them as there are many in our foothills.......first a massive  enlargement.

Yes, chiggers are found in UtahChiggers are tiny mites that live outdoors in grassy and wooded areas, and are especially common in the summer. They are known to attach to clothing and bite the skin. 
How to identify chigger bites 
  • Chigger bites are itchy red bumps that can look like pimples, blisters, or small hives.
  • They are usually found around the waist, ankles, or in warm skin folds.
  • They get bigger and itchier over several days, and often appear in groups.
How to prevent chigger bites 
  • Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts, as well as thick socks and high shoes or boots.
  • Tuck pants' legs into shoes or boots.
  • Apply mosquito repellent (such as DEET) to skin and clothing.
  • Wash with soap and water after outdoor activity.
  • Wash clothing worn outdoors in hot water.
How to get rid of chiggers 
  • Mow, weed, and remove brush.
  • Use a lawn spray that contains Bifenthrin, Cyfluthrin, Esfenvalerate, or Permethrin.
For a longer & better explanation with pictures, go to:


For more info CLICK

FOR USES OF German Madwort

German madwort 

(Asperugoprocumbenscap A s p e r u g o p r o c u m b e n s𝐴𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑔𝑜𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑠)  

has been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of conditions, including mental illness, 

hiccups, and rabies. It's also been used as a mouth aromatic. 


  • Sedative-hypnotic: Studies have shown that German madwort has sedative-hypnotic effects. 
  • Antispasmodic: German madwort has been used as an antispasmodic. 
  • Tranquilizer: German madwort has been used as a tranquilizer. 
  • Nervous system and heart strengthener: German madwort has been used to strengthen the nervous system and the heart. 
  • Dementia treatment: German madwort has been used to counteract dementia. 


Asperugo procumbens (madwort) - Go Botany

Madwort is native to eastern and central Europe and is widespread across North America. In New England it is not so widespread, be...

Error! Filename not specified.

Go Botany


(PDF) Asperugo Procumbens: a Review of Botany, Traditional Uses ...

Jan 4, 2022 — used to strengthen the nervous system and the heart, counteract dementia, as an antispasmodic and tranquilliser. mouth ...

Error! Filename not specified.



Study of Antidepressant and Sedative-Hypnotic Activity of ... - NCBI

Asperugo procumbents L. has been used in Iranian traditional medicine for the refreshing, tranquillizing and mood elevating activi...

Error! Filename not specified.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)


Study of Antidepressant and Sedative-Hypnotic Activity of ...

Pre-treatment with flumazenil significantly inhibited the effects of AHE on pentobarbital-induced sleeping behavior. So, it is pos...

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)



Desert madwort is well adapted to dry, semi-arid to arid environments similar to its native range in Africa, Asia, and Europe. It ...

USDA Plants Database


  • German madwort is native to central and eastern Europe.
  • It's also widespread across North America. 


In the lower canyon:
120.  Golden Currant 
Ribes aureum

The Golden Currant plant  
is in the foreground with Smooth Sumac behind....
....like protecting or shepherding it.

We learn from the:

For info:  CLICK

Golden currant (Ribes aureum) is a non-spiny shrub with stems 4-5 feet tall and mostly three-lobed, maple-like leaves. The sweetly scented flowers are tubular and golden-yellow when fresh, but turn orangish to violet with age. The appearance of the blossoms in late March or early April is often one of the first signs of spring in many parts of the country. Found in roadside ditches, fencerows, thickets, montane meadows, and streamsides, Golden currant ranges from southern Canada to California, Arizona, South Dakota, and western Texas. Introduced as a garden plant in the 19th Century, it has also become naturalized in western and central Europe.

Also known as Buffalo currant, Ribes aureum and its close relative, Ribes odoratum of the Great Plains were an important food source for the Plains Indians. The bluish-black fruits were eaten fresh or dried and mixed with dried buffalo meat or venison to make pemmican. The berries can also be converted into jams and jellies. Numerous animal species consume the fruits and nectar-loving birds such as orioles have been observed eating the flowers.

So far, I've only foumd one 
in the Foothills and Canyons of Timpanogos, this one up Grove Canyon....but seeds were produced as seen above, and I look forward to seeing more of this wonderfully colorful bush.

Its leaf is reminicent of the Maple tree leaf.

I look foward to seeing this beautiful flowering bush
 again in 2025.


In the lower canyon:
Lithospermum arvense

Up the road from the Trailhead a few hundred yards we begin to see
 this  fascinating plant that you will note below grows a bit different
 depending on the conditions it sprouts in. 

Below we see the same plant, developing a bit differently, 
likely due to growing in a somewhat different environment

producing seeds is quite unique as we see below

The REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM & NUTLET/SEEDS produced....very similar to 
#7 LEMONWEED  from Chapter 2, 
we see below


In the lower canyon:
Found primarily in the slide area before where the trail takes off up
 the mountain from the junction with  the road


Epilobium brachycarpum

It is a very tiny flower as you will see scrolling down.


So far, this is the closest I've come to find a close match

Here they give the following names for this plant, most of their pictures showing a pinkish flower. 
Annual fireweed,   Autumn willowweed,   Panicled willow herb,   Tall annual willowherb


Here they call a quite  similar plant
Panicled willow herb
Their photographs below

Now two of my photographs below:

I'm quite confident that we have a match so....just make sure and use the scientific name--Epilobium brachycarpum-- in your research...and refer to the cites mentioned above.   Here we go with my set of photographs of this tiny flower and dainty plant with information about it, and edible and medicinal benefits interspersed between the pictures.

For full info CLICK

Epilobium breachycarpum is a species of willowherb known 
by the common names
 Tall Willowherb, Tall Annual Willowherb, Panicled Willowherb, etc. 
It is a
 native to and widespread in North America, where it is a resident 
of varied open 
and woodland habitats.  It has also been introduced to some 
areas in South
 America.  This is a tall hairy, hairym annual herb occasionally
 reaching two 
meters in height.  It is somewhat gangly and thin like an erect 
weed, with narrow, 
curving pointed leaves up top a few centimeters in length. Etc. 

Tells us:

Panicled willow herb (Epilobium brachycarpum) has many potential health benefits, including: 
  • Skin healthThe plant's astringent properties can help soothe skin conditions like burns, rashes, ulcers, and boils 
  • Anti-inflammatoryThe plant's sap can be used to treat wounds 
  • AntioxidantThe plant's high levels of antioxidants can help fight bacteria 
  • Gastrointestinal healthA tea made from the leaves and roots can help with gastrointestinal complaints 
  • Prostate healthThe plant has been used to treat prostate problems 
  • Bladder healthThe plant has been used to treat bladder incontinence 
  • Hormone disordersThe plant has been used to treat hormone disorders 
  • Respiratory healthThe plant has been used to treat asthma attacks and respiratory infections 
  • Hiccup reliefThe plant has been used to treat hiccups 

Other uses 
  • The leaves can be eaten in salads
  • The young shoots can be steamed and eaten like asparagus
  • The flowers can be added to salads
  • The plant attracts pollinators and bees
Where it grows 
  • Panicled willow herb is commonly found in recently disturbed
  • sites, wetlands, and along streambanks
  • It's also found on dry, open sites


In the lower canyon:
It was found on the south side of the road before the slide area begins.
Maianthemum stellatum

CLICK fore full info

Maianthemum stellatum (star-floweredstarry, or little false Solomon's seal, or simply false Solomon's sealstar-flowered lily-of-the-valley[3] or starry false lily of the valley;[4] syn. Smilacina stellata) is a species of flowering plant, native across North America. It has been found in northern Mexico, every Canadian province and territory except Nunavut, and every US state except Hawaii and the states of the Southeast.[5] It has little white buds in the spring, followed by delicate starry flowers, then green-and-black striped berries, and finally deep red berries in the fall.[6]

Native across North America generally from Alaska to California to North Carolina to Newfoundland, plus northern Mexico (SonoraChihuahuaCoahuilaNuevo León).[8][9] It has been found in every Canadian province and territory except Nunavut, and from every US state except Hawaii and the states of the Southeast.[5]

Habitat and ecology


Found in open woods, prairies and shorelines.[7]

We learn from:
To go to site CLICK

Edible Uses

The fruit of false solomon seal is edible, raw or cooked. The fruit is about the size of a pea and is produced on the plant in small terminal clusters of about 2 - 8 berries. It has a nice bitter-sweet flavor that is somewhat reminiscent of treacle. The fruit is a good source of vitamin C, it has been used to prevent scurvy. The fruit is said to be laxative in large quantities when eaten raw, especially if one is not used to eating it, though thorough cooking removes this laxative effect. Young leaves are edible, raw or cooked. The young shoots, as they emerge in spring, can be used as an asparagus substitute. The young shoots and leaves are cooked and used as greens. The root is edible cooked. It should be soaked in alkaline water first to get rid of a disagreeable taste. It can be eaten like potatoes.

Medicinal Uses

Star-flowered lily of the valley was employed medicinally by several native North American Indian tribes who used it to treat a variety of complaints. It is little, if at all, used in modern herbalism. A tea made from the roots was drunk to regulate menstrual disorders. A decoction of the leaves has been taken 2 - 3 times a day in the treatment of rheumatism and colds. Half a cup of leaf tea drunk daily for a week by a woman is said to prevent conception.
The root is pain-relieving, antiseptic, and has agents that check bleeding, are healing for disorders and diseases of the eye, has substances which give strength and tone to the stomach and are used for healing wounds, fresh cuts, etc., usually used as a poultice. A tea has been used in the treatment of stomach complaints, internal pains and to regulate menstrual disorders. The dried powdered root has been used in treating wounds and bleeding. The crushed root has been used as a poultice on sprains, boils, swellings and limbs affected by rheumatism. The pulped root has been used as ear drops to treat ear aches. A tea of the roots has been used as a wash for inflamed eyes.


NOTE: I missed the fruit stage in 2024.  Will make up for it in 2025.

In the canyon 
On the north side of the road just prior to the slide area.
Delphinium nuttallianum

Tells us: 

Delphinium nuttallianum is a species of larkspur known by the common names two-lobe larkspurupland larkspurcommon larkspur, and Nuttall's larkspur[1] (the latter name is shared with Delphinium nuttallii). It is widely distributed across western North America from California to Alberta, including mountain meadows and the majority of the sagebrush steppe, except very dry areas.[1]

The species is very poisonous to livestock, especially cattle.[2]

Larkspur has many benefits, including: 
  • Pollinating plantsLarkspur attracts bees, butterflies, moths, and hummingbirds, which helps pollinate other plants 
  • DyeLarkspur can be used to make blue ink and green dye 
  • Pest controlA tincture of larkspur seeds can kill lice and nits, and it can also be used to control aphids and thrips 
  • Medicinal propertiesLarkspur has been used historically to treat wounds, eye diseases, asthma, and dropsy 
  • Symbol of protectionIn many cultures, larkspur was believed to ward off evil 
  • **************************************************
  • Larkspur is a member of the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, and its genus is Delphinium. 
  • Larkspur is toxic to humans and animals because it contains poisonous alkaloids. 
  • Signs of larkspur poisoning include: 
    • Nervousness 
    • Staggering 
    • Salivation 
    • Muscular twitching 
    • Bloat 
    • Respiratory paralysis 
    • Death
    • ****************


In the canyon "Rock & Roll" area
on the north side of the trail in the Rock & Roll area.
Nemophila menziesii

Tells us: 

Nemophila menziesii, known commonly as baby blue eyes or baby's-blue-eyes,[1] is an annual herb, native to western North America.[2][3]



The plant is native to CaliforniaBaja California, and Oregon.[2]

It grows virtually throughout California at elevations from sea level up to almost 6,500 feet (2,000 m). It grows in many types of habitats, including chaparral, valley grasslands, and montane locales.[3][2]

I must confess that this is not a perfect match.  There are several other varieties, but this is the one that is the closest and Wikipedia does say it exists "east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains." 
Its scientific name means "woodland loving."  I have so far only found it in one place, namely up Grove Canyon and on the north, shady side of the "Rock and Roll" area. 

I must have missed it in past years simply because I have had to concentrate so carefully looking down to make sure of my footing to avoid taking what for me would be a devastating fall.  So I've missed it until 2024, and grateful for noticing this small but beautiful wildlower.  It's about 1" in diameter.  

Two of the varieties mentioned have flowers that look identical, but each with different kinds of leaves. The third has a white flower
 along with a third different kind of leaf.  Likely there are other
 varieties,  ours in Grove Canyon being one with  an even fourth
 kind of leaf.

But, until I learn differently I will call this beautiful 
BABY BLUE EYES from Grove Canyon


The “AI generated designer”

Tell us:  

Baby Blue Eyes is a soft, delicate shade of blue that evokes a sense of calm and tranquility. This light blue hue is reminiscent of the clear sky on a sunny day or the gentle petals of the Baby Blue Eyes flower.

Nemophila menziesii, also known as baby blue eyes, is a non-toxic plant that is edible and can be used for its ecological benefits. 
  • The flowers of Nemophila menziesii can be used in vegetable gardens.
  • The fading blooms can be used to make way for edible amaranth or autumn root vegetables.
  • Rebecca's Herbal Apothecary suggests using baby blue eyes flower essence to promote feelings of support, love, and innocence.
Ecological benefits 
  • The flowers of Nemophila menziesii have a high nectar content, which supports local bee populations.
  • The plant's low growth habit helps to suppress weeds and retain soil moisture.
Nemophila menziesii is easy to grow from seed and can be sown directly into the garden in early spring. 
It does well in sandy, gritty soils and has some drought tolerance. 
  • The plant requires minimal maintenance once established.

On examining carefully my pictures I looked at the one 
below, followed by enlarging a portion, and thought I
was seeing a string bean kind of seed pod, but then 
realized they were the leaves.  I'll admit not following 
up enough on this plant to understand how it produced
seeds, but will do so in 2025.  

I'll add a few photos 
that might help us understand better.

In the canyon "Rock & Roll" area
Clarkia rhomboidea

Diamond Clarkia 
gets its name from its 4 distinctive diamond shaped petals, which
 vary in color from bright pink to lavender 

Identified at:
Clarkia rhomboidea is a species of wildflower known by the common names diamond clarkia and forest clarkia. This plant is native to western North America, where it is a common resident of varied forest and woodland habitats. This clarkia grows a spindly stem not exceeding a meter in height and occasional small leaves. The flower has four petals which are bright pink to lavender and often speckled with darker pink shades. The petals are diamond-shaped to spoon-shaped and one to one and a half centimeters long. There are eight stamens, each holding a large anther bearing blue-gray pollen.

Tells Us: 
Clarkia rhomboidea, also known as diamond clarkia, has many benefits.
  including attracting pollinators, supporting wildlife, and being easy to grow. 
Benefits of Clarkia rhomboidea

·        continued

 Pollinator attraction

The bright pink flowers of Clarkia rhomboidea attract butterflies, moths, bees, and their larvae. 

·         Wildlife support

The seeds of Clarkia rhomboidea provide food for birds. The plant also serves as a host plant for caterpillars, including the giant Gallium Sphinx Moth. 


·         Easy to grow

Clarkia rhomboidea is a native plant that can grow in a variety of conditions, including rocky soil and disturbed sites. It's drought tolerant once established and prefers full sun to part shade. 

·         Biodiversity

Clarkia rhomboidea is a natural choice for gardeners who want to support biodiversity and conservation. 


·         Indigenous food

Indigenous Californians harvested the seeds of Clarkia species and ground them for food. 


Clarkia rhomboidea is native to the United States and Canada. It can be found in Arizona, California, Idaho, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. 


In the Canyon just above the Rock & Roll area

127.  CAT'S EAR

Hypochaeris radicata

I found this plant up above the "ROCK & ROLL" area and followed it until blossoming and seed production, but somehow have lost track of some pictures.    In case  I can't find them, I at least know where to look for the 2025 season and will update.  In the meantime....

We learn  from:  

To homeowners who desire a perfectly manicured lawn, persistent weeds like dandelionpurslaneplantain, and cat's ear can evoke anger and hatred. However, to gardeners who are fascinated by the healing properties of plants, these same little “weeds” are cherished treasures. While most gardeners and herbalists have probably heard of the excellent medicinal and culinary uses of dandelion, plantain, and purslane, cat's ear is an oftentimes overlooked and underappreciated herb that is loaded with antioxidants. Continue reading for tips on using cat’s ear plants and learn how to reap the many cat's ear benefits by keeping this plant around.

Is Cat’s Ear Edible?

Cat's ear plant is a perennial native to Europe, which has naturalized in North America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and other regions. In many of these places, cat's ear is considered a nuisance or noxious weed, but in other places, it is considered a culinary or herbal treasure – all parts of cat's ear are edible and the plant is high in antioxidants, potassium, and lutein. Cat's ear plants bear a striking resemblance to dandelion, and is often called false dandelion. Like dandelion, cat's ear plants form yellow composite flowers on hollow stems, which secrete a milky substance when snapped. The stem grows from a rosette of deeply toothed leaves. After the blooms fade, like dandelion, cat's ear produces orb-shaped, fluffy seed heads that disperse and float in the wind on fine, silky parachutes. It is very easy to mistake cat's ear for dandelion. Prolific seed dispersal and the plant’s unique survival strategies have earned it its own name as a nuisance though. Cat's ear plants will take on a prostrate, or spreading, growth habit in lawns which are frequently mowed. This flat growth allows the plant to stay just below average mowing heights. In narrow or tight regions, the plant’s adaptability also allows it to grow upright and tall. This tough survivor is listed as a noxious weed in some areas, so you should check for local restrictions before growing cat's ear.

Common Cat’s Ear Uses

While cat's ear has a pretty bad reputation in North America, it is a common culinary and medicinal herb in its native range. It was brought to North America by early settlers because of its uses as food and medicine. As an herbal remedy, cat's ear uses include treating kidney problems, urinary tract infections, gall bladder issues, constipation, rheumatism, and liver problems. Its root contains a natural cortisone which is used to treat allergies, rashes, and other itchy skin issues in both people and pets. In Greece and Japan, cat's ear is grown as a garden green. The young, tender foliage is eaten raw in salads or cooked in an array of local dishes. The flower stems and buds are steamed or sautéed, like asparagus. Cat's ear root can also be steamed and sautéed, or roasted and ground into a coffee-like beverage. If you would like to take advantage of the benefits of cat's ear, be certain to only collect wild plants from sites where you know there is no chemical or otherwise harmful ground contamination. Disclaimer: The contents of this article is for educational and gardening purposes only. Before using or ingesting ANY herb or plant for medicinal purposes or otherwise, please consult a physician, medical herbalist or other suitable professional for advice.

In the canyon
Between the Rock & Roll area and the "resting rock" in the middle of the trail.
Erysimum collisparsum  

Originally I had this wildflower labeled
or the Sandune Wallflower - its range being the Pacific Northwest,
but  Utah is quite a ways from the Pacific Ocean's sand dunes! 
I kept  checking  and  found a couple of slight, but important
 differences and learned that  it  possibly was Erysimum asperum 
known as the Cascade Wallflower but with its range being
 Washington to South Oregon.    
I found at least 4  different  Wallflowers, each with a scientific name
 different indicating significant differences even though a simple
 glance has some of them seemingly  the same. 
Since my initial investigation I expanded the search and found a
 longer list of Erysimum's.  I decided to  ignore where the different
  flowers were supposed to exist, and just go with visual
 identification.  That led me to my tentative indentification as 
Alpine WallflowerErysimum collisparsum  even though its range is
 listed as Europe: Spain and France
My decision is based on the following website that is a photo album
 of this collisparsum variety of  Wallflower.  There are more
 similarities with this variety than any other. 

CLICK To go to this site & compare.

You'll see that there is a lot of similarity.
To say the least they are all absolutely beautiful.  
I found mine up the trail above the Rock and Roll area, and
 approaching the square resting rock that is right in the middle of
 the trail.  As has been my experience in 2024, this is the only area
 where I have seen this wildflower.....a 20 to 30 yard area along the

At the base we observe that a number of the branches
have been nipped off...likely by deer. 

The following website tells us:

The benefits
Scientific publications

Erysimum, a herb of the Brassicaceae family (like cabbage or mustard), is a pubescent plant that can reach 90 cm in height. Its aerial flowering parts, as well as its small yellow flowers with four cross-shaped petals, are used in phytotherapy.


Its other name, "singer's herb", historically reflects its use by singers in cases of hoarseness or voice loss to soothe the throat and vocal cords. Due to the presence of glucosinolates (sulphur compounds), erysimum has a mucolytic and expectorant activity, promoting secretions from the upper airways, thus soothing the throat.

Erysimum, Sisymbrium officinale, is used in cases of hoarseness to soothe the throat.


Erysimum is the object of more than 110 scientific publications.



In the canyon just before the Resting Rock

Roundleaf snowberry (𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑢𝑠 ) is a low-growing, woody shrub native to North America. It's a member of the honeysuckle family and is known for its white, berry-like fruit. 


  • Leaves: Oval to elliptic, green above, and pale green below with many veins
  • Flowers: Small, light pink, and bell-shaped, occurring in pairs
  • Fruit: White, berry-like drupes that contain two seeds
  • Bark: Shreddy on older parts of the plant
  • Twigs: Fuzzy hairs on smaller, newer twigs
  • continued 

  • Available as pot grown or bare rooted plants
  • Bare-root plants are available from late autumn to late winter
  • Potted plants are available all year round


  • Grows in many types of habitats, including woodlands
  • Tolerates drought when grown in the shade
  • Grows well in full sun to part shade


  • Flowers attract bees and butterflies
  • Fruit is eaten by birds, but toxic to mammals

Uses Can be grown in woodland gardens and Can enhance wildlife in the landscape



Foothills and canyon
-Skunkbush - Lemonade bush - Basketbush
Rhus  trilobata, R. aromatica, R 

Rhus trilobata 
PLANT: ill-scented. FRUITS: sparsely pubescent. NOTES: See also parent taxon. Wide-ranging both ecologically and geographically from rim rock, rocky ledges and slopes to canyon bottoms in the deserts, grasslands, chaparral, Madrean woodlands, pinyonjuniper woodlands, ponderosa pine forests, and riparian zones: all AZ cos.; 500-2275 m (1500-7500 ft); Mar-May; w U.S. Material from the w U.S. including AZ has been recognized as Rhus aromatica Aiton var. trilobata (Nutt.) A. Gray, differing in its sparsely pubescent fruits from typical R. aromatica of the e U.S. with villous fruits (Fernald 1941); also, R. aromatica var. trilobata is ill-scented whereas R. aromatica of the e U.S. has a pleasant citrus scent (David Hammond pers. comm.). Several other varieties of Rhus aromatica have been named (based on characters such as leaf size, lobing, and pubescence, and time of flowering) that would occur in AZ (Barkley 1937). Since there are no consistent geographic patterns to the variation in these characters, Rhus aromatica are best treated as a polymorphic species consisting of only the two varieties (e U.S. and w U.S.). REFERENCES: John L. Anderson, 2006, Vascular Plants of Arizona: Anacardiaceae. CANOTIA 3 (2): 13-22.
Picture below from the website
Rhus trilobata

Many think of the desert as a hot, dry, barren, and unforgiving place. However, Utah’s deserts are chock full of interesting and diverse plants and animals! One such plant, which grows throughout much of Utah, is rhus trilobata or three-leaf sumac.

Three-leaf sumac is a widespread deciduous shrub in the Rhus genus, meaning “with three leaflets,” or “trifoliate leaves.” Others in this genus include Rhus aromoatica and the infamous western poison oak. The leaves of this shrubby-type plant are toothed, feel stiff and they give off quite a strong scent when crushed. The strong smell of crushed three-leaf sumac leaves has earned it the nickname “skunkbush” as well as “ill-scented sumac.”

Three-leaf sumac is a low spreading, many-branched deciduous shrub, usually no more than 3 feet high but spreading as much as 8 feet wide. The small, trifoliate leaves and the branches are fuzzy. Given its many branches, three-leaf sumac provides both nesting material and structure for native bees. Flowers are yellowish and found in clustered spikes. They are followed by bright crimson to reddish, sticky berries. The fall foliage adds an extra pop of color to the landscape.

Historically, three-leaf sumac has been used for medicinal and other purposes. The bark can be chewed or brewed into a drink for cold symptoms. Flexible branches were traditionally used for twisting into basketry and rugs. In fact, three-leaf sumac was a close contender to willow in desirability for basket-making. This common use of the plant earned it another nickname of “basketbush.”

My favorite part of three-leaf sumac, however, are the slightly hairy and sticky berries. Although historically eaten for gastrointestinal pain and toothache, the berries have a delicious sour flavor and can be eaten plain or used in oatmeal, ice cream, steeped in tea, or soaked in cold water to make a beverage similar to lemonade. These berries are high in vitamin C and have earned three-leaf sumac the additional nicknames of “sourberry” “lemonade bush” and “lemonade berry.” Other nicknames for this multi-purpose plant include squawbush, desert sumac, or scented sumac.

Regardless of which nickname you choose for three-leaf sumac, give the berries a try and see for yourself what you think! Be sure, however, that you properly identify the plant to avoid potential illness that can be caused by misidentification! One great resource that can help is the field guide “Rocky Mountain States: Wild Berries & Fruits.”


PLANT: Shrubs with spreading branches, sometimes forming thickets, to 3 m tall; bark gray, lenticular; twigs brown, puberulent to glabrate. LEAVES: trifoliolate or palmately lobed to simple and unlobed; petioles 8-15 mm long; leaflets sessile, ovate to rhombic, crenate to deeply lobed, glabrous to puberulent; bases cuneate, sometimes narrowly so; terminal leaflet 15-35 mm long, 7-25 mm wide; foliage thin, deciduous and dark red in the fall. INFLORESCENCE: a short dense panicle of compound spikes, arising from lateral branches, and appearing early before the leaves in the spring, 10-15 mm long; bracts triangular, reddish, pubescent. FLOWERS: to 3 mm long; sepals ovate, pinkish, glabrate; petals obovate, pale yellow, glabrous. FRUIT: lenticular-orbicular, 6-8 mm in diameter, dull orange to dark reddish, villous and/or short glandular pubescent, viscid. NOTES: Throughout the U.S., except the northern Great Lakes and Pacific Northwest, also s Canada and n Mex. REFERENCES: John L. Anderson, 2006, Vascular Plants of Arizona: Anacardiaceae. CANOTIA 3 (2): 13-22.

Rhus aromatica
It has a pleasant citrus odor differentiating it from
Rhus trilobata that has  a foul odor earning it the
 nickname Skunkbush.  You can tell the difference by
 taking the green leaves and crushing them with
 your fingers and give them the smell test I will do in 2025 and update this segment. 

A Rock Squirrel having some Three Leaf Sumac berries for lunch. 

As we see below, mammals, as well as birds eat berries.

In the 2025 Season I will focus a little more on 
bushes and trees, as well as grasses, mosses and other 

In the canyon
Sambucus racemosa
Below we see possibly Red Elderberry  which we know is common usually along creeks in  Utah's canyons.  As mentioned in the previous segment, in 2025 I will focus more on bushes, trees, and
The above twig with leaves and berries were harvested on January 17, 2025 as a beginning on expanding my efforts.  So I will put on hold saying more about this possible example of..... 
.....Red Elderberry......
and wait a couple of months until all the VISIONS come alive and I can follow their awakening and gowth. 


Found in foothills shepherded by sagebrush, and in 
the canyon with partial shade. 
 Galium aparine 

Catchweed Bedstraw, Galium aparine

Galium aparine is a distinctive herbaceous annual weed with a number of common names including cleavers, bedstraw, catchweed bedstraw, grip grass, stickywilly, and others. This fast-growing plant in the madder famliy (Rubiaceae), native to the northern hemisphere (North America and Eurasia), occurs in all US states except Hawaii, and in most provinces of Canada and northern Mexico. It can grow in a variety of habitats, including forests and woodlands, meadows, prairies, disturbed areas, and cultivated crops. It is commonly found in low shrubby vegetation, arable fields, and in gardens with moist soils. It causes problems in crops during harvesting when bedstraw becomes tangled with the crop or equipment.
This plant supposedly has many medicinal uses. The dried and roasted fruits can used to make a coffee substitute (this plant is in the same family as coffee, Coffea spp.). The young leaves can be eaten raw or cooked.

The leaves and stems of G. aparine have fine hook-like hairs (similar to Velcro®) that readily adhere to clothing and animal fur, giving rise to some of its common names. Because they cling to each other, the plants don’t mat down easily when used as a mattress filling, giving rise to the name bedstraw. The scratchy hairs can be mildly irritating to those with sensitive skin. The simple linear leaves are borne in whorls of six to eight along the square stems with few branches. The tip of each leaf has a sharp firm point.

Seeds germinate very early in the spring, to produce a gangly plant with long stems. Plants can grow up to 6 feet but can’t stand up on their own, so they often use other upright species for support, clambering over the other vegetation with the aid of hooked bristles at the stem angles. Left on their own, they remain low and sprawling, forming dense tangles only a foot or so in height, shading out any smaller plants they grow over. In some areas, this species grows as a winter annual, germinating in the fall, and overwinter as a small plant, to grow quickly in spring.

In early spring to summer, tiny, inconspicuous pale green or white flowers are borne in the leaf axils or terminally. Each inflorescence (a cyme) has 3 to 5 flowers. Each flower is only 2-3 mm across, with four petals. Once pollinated by flies or beetles, spherical fruits of two nearly round halves are produced. Each fruit half contains a single small, spherical, oval or kidney shaped seed. The gray to brown seeds are 1-4 mm in diameter and are covered with small tubercles. The  hooked bristles create a burr, which is easily dispersed on animal fur or clothing. Individual plants produce 300-400 seeds, although some specimens will produce many more.

Seeds remain viable in the soil for only a couple of years. They survive passage through the digestive tracts of cattle, horses, pigs, goats, and birds, so bringing uncomposted manure into a garden may inadvertently introduce this weed.

This weed is not difficult to control if pulled or hoed out while small, before flowering and seed production commences. G. aparine has a shallow root system, with a branching taproot. However, it is weakly connected to the stem so that when weeding, the roots often remain behind (and can grow again) when the tops are pulled. The brittle stems break easily, so it is difficult to remove an entire plant intact. Nearby fragile plants may be damaged as it is pulled if its leaves or stems stick to the tender plants.
– Susan Mahr, University of Wisconsin – Madison

When it doesn't have other plants to support it growing tall like we
 have seen sagebrush doing (shepherding it) ,  or a thick stand of the
 same, it sometimes grows horizontally as seen above. 

Each seed pod contains seeds as explained above.  Next year I'll
 make sure and get a couple to disect and show the results here. 


Lactuca virosa 
You will recall that in Chapter 3  we learned about Prickly Lettuce.
    The difference is that Wild Lettuce is not "prickly" but has smooth
 surfaces as you will see. 

Wild lettuce (Lactuca virosa) has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions. It's said to have pain-relieving, sedative, and calming effects. 

Potential benefits

·         Pain relief: Wild lettuce contains sedative compounds that may help relieve pain. 

·         Improved circulation: Wild lettuce may help stimulate circulation. 

·         Skin sanitation: Applying wild lettuce directly to the skin may have sanitizing benefits. 


Potential side effects 

·         Wild lettuce may cause drowsiness, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and accelerated heart rate.

·         It may also cause skin irritation.

·         Taking wild lettuce with sedative medications may cause excessive sleepiness.


Conditions treated with wild lettuce 

·         Painful menstrual periods

·         Insomnia

·         Restlessness

·         Whooping cough

·         Asthma

·         Urinary tract problems

·         Kidney diseases

·         Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

·         Sunburn


I failed to follow this plant through blossoming and seed production, but will do so in 2025 and add here.
In the meantime, additional information and precautions are found at: 

Wild Lettuce - Uses, Side Effects, and More


I will now take you on my last hike up the front of the mountain to the Valley View Spot, with the purpose of getting good photographs of what will be our last identified 
It  will be the Rocky Mountain Juniper tree, another tree
 that was of great importance to the Native Americans and the pioneers.

About the closest one to the Grove Creek Trailhead, is up above my
 head and a little to my left in the bottom  picture. I had been up that
 way on two or three of my climbs, but  needed some better
 photographs to show the importance of this one tree.
   So, I had some climbing to do on October 16, 2024 to have
 what needed  to share with you about this important tree and 
of my report in this book.  So up I went again climbing the face
 of Mahogeny Mountain for the second time in 2024.
Along the way I noticed the struggle #96 - Common Sunflower was
 having with the DROUGHT  that will be explained in just a
 moment, but here is a  photo to prepare you for the stark contrast
 that the 2023 season had been for this beleaguered beautiful plant.  

and one of its struggling flowers....

I continued climbing through areas that last year 
had been carpeted with sunflowers. 
Most hikers and runners in this area didn''t notice much the
DROUGHT, as the major vegetation like Gambel's Oak, Sagebreush,
 Rabbitbrush, the grasses in the foothills, and trees in the canyon, etc.
 were all about normal....and most are either hiking too fast, and with
 normal balance  don't have to focus so much on the ground ahead
 and around them...or of course just yucking it up enjoying the
 comnpany of their friends so they miss what my slow motion
 stalking pace blesses me with seeing along with my focus on trying
 to understand the secrets of nature, and seemg the beauty of even
 the tiniest of things.


A bit higher my first discovery was the dried up plant, similar but
 taller,  that what I was still calling then 
"the mystery plant" 
similar to what you you see below with my trekking pole to show it
 was about twice as tall.  I finally discovered and explained its
 identify  in Chapter 6:
#91 - Common milkweed- Chapter 6
I likewise learned in the investigation that the "mystery plant"  was
#90 - Showy Milkweed both of them related to #88 - Spider
 Milkweed .  
Remaining was my task of going back up there in 2025 to document
 the early stages of #91 as the plant looks like Showy Milkweed....
 ...just twice as tall,  but the seed Reproductive system  is totally
 different, seemingly the same as Spider Milkweed. ....but which
 plantis the  opposite being spread out and low.....three plants with a lot in common, but primary characterstics opposite!

So I solved one problem and created a new one, so...
.... I can justifiably persist  asking the Lord to keep giving me life
 and strength to be able finish my purposes on earth...
...at least my VISIONS BOOK!

From there I had a good view down towards the 
Trailhead and Utah Valley. 

I kept climbing and it got steeper, but seeing two flashes of color up
 ahead I kept going and found a beautiful purple flower I thought I
 knew, and nearby a rare white version seemingly of the same
But a search revealed the white one is likely a new flower 
for my list and book:

Symphyotrichum ericioides var, ericioides 
We learn from: 
Click  above to see photographs, and information on this
 flower...rare in Utah. 

Then the purple  one: 

Machaeranthera tagetina 

I kept climbing but then was stopped by a plant I knew but hadn't
 seen with so much growth, and full of the tiny hard shelled, ivory
 white seeds that Native Americans used as beads for ornaments and
 decoration on clothing.  It was .....

From there I continued up the mountain and finally came to a trail
 that continued south  following the upper level towards the 

Soon I was to my main objective......

 Juniperus scopulorum
It doesn't look all that big, so let's insert a picture of me standing
 under the lower edge. 
It was the largest Juniper I had seen in my
 project,  so I had to do the report right.  I will describe it in general
 and then  provide some good information. 
First, it wasn't the largest Juniper in the world, but it was the 
KING of my area of study  and  a series of photos from all four
 sides shows that 
...  Remember we aren't talking REDWOOD, rather a

There were at least 12 major trunks, also called "stems,"  growing
 from the base. 
First  a general description from:

The ROCKY MOUNTAIN JUNIPER , 𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑢𝑚
 Is a small to medium-sized, evergreen tree native to western North America. It has a rounded or pyramidal crown, reddish-brown bark, and scale-like leaves. 
Physical characteristics
Size: Can grow to be 30–40 ft tall, but can also be a large bush or stunted snag Shape: Rounded or pyramidal crown, with branches that may extend to the ground Bark: Reddish-brown or gray, thin, and shreddy 
Leaves: Scale-like and pale to dark green, or needle-like and sharp pointed on new growth Cones: Round, dark blue, berry-like cones with a whitish bloom that ripen in the second year Seeds: Bony-coated seeds inside the cones 
Found in open scrub woodlands, often on dry, rocky ridgesCan tolerate a wide range of soils and moisture conditionsPrefers full sun exposure
Can be used as a privacy screen or specimenAromatic wood can be used for cedar chests, lumber, fenceposts, and fuelWildlife eat the "berries"
Other characteristics 
Slow growingLong lived, often surviving to be 250–300 years old or more
Closely related to Eastern Redcedar , 𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑣𝑖𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑎 


Juniperus scopulorum - Wikipedia

Juniperus scopulorum, the Rocky Mountain juniper, is a species of juniper native to western North America, from southwest Canada t...

Error! Filename not specified.




Juniperus scopulorum Sarg., Rocky Mountain juniper, is a small evergreen tree to 35 feet, often with an irregular crown. A native ...

USDA Plants Database


Juniperus scopulorum (Rocky mountain juniper)

A columnar to somewhat rounded evergreen tree, Rocky Mountain Juniper often supports several main stems. The juvenile foliage cons...

Error! Filename not specified.

Wildflower Center


Rocky Mountain Juniper (U.S. National Park Service)

Nov 24, 2021 — Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum) is a medium sized, evergreen tree with a rounded to pyramidal-shaped cro...

Error! Filename not specified.

National Park Service


Juniperus scopulorum: Rocky Mountain Juniper

Juniperus scopulorum is a native plant that can be found in the western United States. In general, Juniperus scopulorum is a slow ...



Species: Juniperus scopulorum - USDA Forest Service

Rocky Mountain juniper is a perennial, evergreen gymnosperm native to North America [73]. The species grows as a shrub or tree to ...

USDA Forest Service


Juniperus scopulorum - Wikipedia

Juniperus scopulorum, the Rocky Mountain juniper, is a species of juniper native to western North America, from southwest Canada t...

Error! Filename not specified.




Juniperus scopulorum Sarg., Rocky Mountain juniper, is a small evergreen tree to 35 feet, often with an irregular crown. A native ...

USDA Plants Database


Juniperus scopulorum (Rocky mountain juniper)

A columnar to somewhat rounded evergreen tree, Rocky Mountain Juniper often supports several main stems. The juvenile foliage cons...

Error! Filename not specified.

Wildflower Center


Rocky Mountain Juniper (U.S. National Park Service)

Nov 24, 2021 — Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum) is a medium sized, evergreen tree with a rounded to pyramidal-shaped cro...

Error! Filename not specified.

National Park Service


Juniperus scopulorum: Rocky Mountain Juniper

Juniperus scopulorum is a native plant that can be found in the western United States. In general, Juniperus scopulorum is a slow ...



Species: Juniperus scopulorum - USDA Forest Service

Rocky Mountain juniper is a perennial, evergreen gymnosperm native to North America [73]. The species grows as a shrub or tree to ...

USDA Forest Service


Juniperus scopulorum - Wikipedia

Juniperus scopulorum, the Rocky Mountain juniper, is a species of juniper native to western North America, from southwest Canada t...

Error! Filename not specified.




Juniperus scopulorum Sarg., Rocky Mountain juniper, is a small evergreen tree to 35 feet, often with an irregular crown. A native ...

USDA Plants Database


Juniperus scopulorum (Rocky mountain juniper)

A columnar to somewhat rounded evergreen tree, Rocky Mountain Juniper often supports several main stems. The juvenile foliage cons...

Error! Filename not specified.

Wildflower Center


Rocky Mountain Juniper (U.S. National Park Service)

Nov 24, 2021 — Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum) is a medium sized, evergreen tree with a rounded to pyramidal-shaped cro...

Error! Filename not specified.

National Park Service


Juniperus scopulorum: Rocky Mountain Juniper

Juniperus scopulorum is a native plant that can be found in the western United States. In general, Juniperus scopulorum is a slow ...



Species: Juniperus scopulorum - USDA Forest Service

Rocky Mountain juniper is a perennial, evergreen gymnosperm native to North America [73]. The species grows as a shrub or tree to ...

USDA Forest Service


The reddish color of the bark seen in the above photographs sometimes had this Juniper misidentified  as Eastern Redcedar,  but helps its identification as Rocky Mountain Juniper.

Other information comes from: 

Other names: 

Rocky Mountain Juniper, Rocky Mountain Red Cedar, Mountain Red Cedar, Colorado Red Cedar, Western Red Cedar, River Juniper, Western Juniper, Cedro Rojo

A columnar to somewhat rounded evergreen tree, Rocky Mountain Juniper often supports several main stems. The juvenile foliage consists of pointed, white-coated needles. Adult, scale-like foliage varies in color from dark- to bluish- or light-green. Round, dark-blue, berry-like cones, covered with a whitish bloom, ripen in the second year. Mature size is from 30-40 ft., or more, high with a spread of 3-15 ft. Bark is reddish-brown or gray and shedding.

A graceful ornamental, often with narrow crown of drooping foliage, several varieties differ in form and in leaf color. The aromatic wood is especially suited for cedar chests and is also used for lumber, fenceposts, and fuel. Wildlife eat the "berries". This species is closely related to Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana L.), which has dark green foliage and "berries" that mature in one year.

Has a quite good article on our tree, as do other sites. For example
 you can learn about the unique ability,  in the face of extreme
 drought conditions, of this tree has the ability to cut off nourishment
 to some branches to assure the survival of the whole.  But even
 more basic is the root system with a tap root as deep as 25 feet, and
 if that gets blocked it developes a massive root system spreading far
 and wide that can be  65% of the total weight of the entire tree!

In the western Foothills of  Tipanogos to the north of our area of study there are many Juniper trees including the Utah Juniper. 

And, much closer between Grove Canyon and Battle Creek Canyon
 there is a band of junipers  above the band of Cliff Rose. 

Last of all 

Native Americans primarily used the Rocky Mountain Juniper for medicinal purposes, including making teas from its leaves and berries to treat coughs, fevers, and sore throats, and also used the wood for crafting tools like flutes, bows, and lance shafts; additionally, the strong-smelling smoke from burning juniper was utilized in ceremonies for purification and to ward off negative energies across various tribes, particularly the Cheyenne and Sioux. 

Key uses of Rocky Mountain Juniper by Native Americans:

·         Medicinal:

·         Tea: Tribes like the Cheyenne brewed teas from juniper leaves to soothe sore throats and aid in childbirth. 

·         Berry remedies: Some tribes boiled the berries to treat colds and other ailments. 

·         Infusion for bathing: The berries could be boiled and used as a cleansing bath. 

·         Ceremonial:

·         Smudging: The smoke from burning juniper was used for purification and to ward off evil spirits. 

·         Rituals: Many tribes incorporated juniper into various traditional ceremonies. 

·         Crafting:

·         Woodworking: The wood was used to create flutes, bows, lance shafts, and other tools. 

·         Jewelry: Some tribes used the juniper berries for beading. 

Important points to remember:

·         Different tribes, different uses:

While the overall uses of Rocky Mountain Juniper were similar across various Native American groups, specific applications might vary based on tribal traditions. 

·         Aromatic properties:

The strong scent of juniper played a significant role in its ceremonial uses. 

·         Sustainability concerns:

Overharvesting of juniper for firewood and other uses can impact the environment.


From the Juniper tree I continued to the VALLEY VIEW SPOT 

got one picture.....of UTAH VALLEY. 

Then headed down the switchback into the canyon.....

.....but at one of my frequent rest stops...looked around and got the beautiful telelphoto photograph I used on the cover page of this chapter. 

Then on down the canyon enjoying the inspiration and 
last beautiful images of Autumn.



In the noontime of my life I shall look to the sunshine,
At a moment in my life when the sky is blue.
And the blessing I shall ask shall remain unchanging.
To be brave and strong and true,
And to fill the world with love my whole life through


I can't leave the Foothills of Timpanogos without a brief mention of one of the most 

Divine Visions of Nature....

....THE MOSSES....
 BAFFLING..... their story could fill volumes, but here I will
 mention in detail one variety we see below, along with an article
 from Illinois Wildflower.info. that will give us a general
 understanding, of course along with my photos. 
Then a series of photographs of half a dozen varieties photographed
 in the Foothills of Timpanogos.  
First A rock loaded with LICHENS and as usual in the shadier
 areas in this case...... 

We learn from:
About Pincushion Moss we see above, which in Utah is sometimes called 
"Pole Moss:"
First a word by me in simple English then below the article:

A perennial evergreen moss forming cushions of plants with a dome shape.  Because this moss is dioecious (male and female reproductive organs in separate individuals), male and female reproductive organs located on separate plants. The male plants often occur above the female plants in a dwarfed form.

I first thought from the above photo that the Moss had picked up grains of sand. Let's zoom in some.

Read down in the article to learn the "grains of sand" 
are sporoophytes or spore capsules. 

Description: This perennial evergreen moss has an acrocarpous growth habit, forming dense cushions of plants from ½" (12 mm.) to 2' (60 cm.) across or more. These cushions have a low dome shape and they are ½" (12 mm.) to 5" (12.5 cm.) tall or more. The glaucous foliage of this moss varies in color from pale grayish green to medium green. The stems are 1-12 cm. long, pale green (turning brown with age), glaucous, and terete; sometimes they fork dichotomously. The leaves occur in overlapping pseudowhorls along these stems, although they turn brown and wither away below. The leaves are ascending and they clasp the stems at their bases. Individual leaves are 4-9 mm. long, lanceolate in shape, and entire (toothless) along their margins; they curve upward along both sides of their broad midribs, becoming curled and semi-tubular in shape along the outer two-thirds of their length. Along the lower one-third of their length, the leaves are wider and they have more conspicuous translucent margins. In contrast to the single-celled depth of the leaves for most mosses, the leaves of this moss are several cells thick (typically 4-6 cells deep). The outer cells (both above and below) are translucent-white, containing air bubbles when they are dry and water when they are moist. The middle cells are green because they contain chlorophyll. Leaf cells are square-shaped to rectangular-shaped (mostly the latter). Because this moss is dioecious, male reproductive organs and female reproductive organs are located on separate plants. The male plants often occur above the female plants in a dwarfed form.

On uncommon occasions, fertile female plants produce solitary sporophytes. Each sporophyte consists of a spore-bearing capsule on a slender stalk (seta). The setae of this moss are typically 8-18 mm. long, reddish, and more or less erect. The capsule bodies have a curved ellipsoid-cylindrical shape, tapering at their bases; they are 1.5–2 mm. in length and red to reddish brown at maturity. These capsule bodies have lids (opercula) that are 1.5–2 mm. in length and long-beaked in shape. Smooth membranous hoods cover both the capsule bodies and their lids, although the hoods later break apart and fall to the ground. After the lids fall off the capsule bodies, a ring of 16 teeth is revealed.

The  sporophytes are  the key part of its 
which we see here greatly enlarged

On uncommon occasions, fertile female plants produce solitary sporophytes. Each sporophyte consists of a spore-bearing capsule on a slender stalk (seta). The setae of this moss are typically 8-18 mm. long, reddish, and more or less erect. The capsule bodies have a curved ellipsoid-cylindrical shape, tapering at their bases; they are 1.5–2 mm. in length and red to reddish brown at maturity. These capsule bodies have lids (opercula) that are 1.5–2 mm. in length and long-beaked in shape. Smooth membranous hoods cover both the capsule bodies and their lids, although the hoods later break apart and fall to the ground. After the lids fall off the capsule bodies, a ring of 16 teeth is revealed.

 The size of a "spore" is from 10-50 micrometers in diameter. 10 micrometers is the size of a fog droplet so we are dealing with something very tiny. 

The tiny spores are released to the wind; this typically occurs during autumn or early winter. Individual spores are 13-18 micrometers across, globoid in shape, and either smooth or finely warty. Fibrous rhizoids are produced at the base of each plant in order to anchor it to the underlying substrate. This moss is capable of reproducing asexually when its dry leaves are broken off as a result of disturbance. With the return of moisture, such leaves are capable of forming their own fibrous rhizoids, starting the development of new clonal plants. When a cushion of this moss is overturned from some kind of disturbance, the leaves lying against the ground are able to develop new fibrous rhizoids to anchor the entire cushion to the ground.
 So the CAPSULES contain SPORES, which are one-celled reproductive units capable of giving rise to a new individual without sexual fusion,

Fibers  are produced at the base of each plant in order to anchor it to whatever it falls on.  If leaves are broken off, with the return of moisture, such leaves are capable of forming their own fibers and producing new  plants.  With a disturbance leaves lying on the ground are able to develop new fibers to anchor the entire cushion to the ground.

The Moss provides ideal protective cover for many small invertebrates like spiders, worms, snails etc. especially moss mites.  Several insects specialize in feeding on this and other mosses, however Pincushion Moss contains one or more toxic substances that deter its consumption.

We learn from:
Traditional herbalists list many uses for moss, both the whole plants (sometimes used fresh, sometimes dried and ground) and the spores. Consult a good herbal book, such as A Modern Herbal by Mrs. M. Grieve, for details. In herbal medicine, moss is most commonly used as a diuretic or as a cure for coughs, depending on how the moss is processed and which moss is used. Irish moss is used for its mucilaginous and nutritional qualities. Sphagnum moss has been used since ancient times as a dressing for wounds.

And from:


There are over 12,000 species of moss worldwide, each with unique characteristics. Some common types include Sphagnum moss, often used in gardening, and Bryum moss, frequently seen on city sidewalks. However, not all mosses are equal in their potential as food. Identifying the right type is crucial, as some varieties can be toxic.


Mosses are not known for their nutritional richness, especially when compared to conventional fruits and vegetables. However, they do contain some vitamins and minerals, primarily Vitamin C and potassium. Sphagnum moss, for instance, has historically been used as a source of Vitamin C. Despite this, mosses generally have a low calorie count and minimal protein, making them more of a survival food rather than a substantial dietary component.


Throughout history, moss has played a role in human survival, especially in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions where other food sources are scarce. Indigenous peoples in these areas have used mosses like Reindeer Moss as emergency food. In some cultures, mosses have also been used as a filler or dietary supplement during times of famine. However, these uses were typically out of necessity rather than preference, and moss was rarely a staple food. In modern times, moss occasionally appears in specialized culinary applications, but it’s more of a novelty than a common ingredient.


When considering moss as a food source, safety is a paramount concern. While many types of moss are technically edible, they can also absorb pollutants from their environment, making them unsafe for consumption in certain areas. Additionally, some moss species can be toxic. For instance, Peat moss, commonly found in bogs, can be harmful if ingested. It’s essential to properly identify moss species and understand their environment before considering them for consumption.


Identifying edible moss requires knowledge and caution. Species like Reindeer Moss and Oak Moss are generally safe, but accurate identification is crucial to avoid toxic varieties. When harvesting moss, it’s important to choose areas away from pollutants and to gather sparingly to avoid damaging the ecosystem. Moss should be collected from clean, unpolluted areas, ideally away from roads, industrial areas, and agricultural sites where it might have absorbed harmful chemicals.

Google for uses like:

First is one I know the name of: 

Type 3-MOSS

Type 4-MOSS

Type 5-MOSS

Type 6-MOSS

Type 7-MOSS

Type 8-MOSS

"Thorny"  is my name for it

To finish this small glimpse into the large World of MOSSES, 
let me show you one from the High Uinta Mountains where I had my first lesson...

On the edge of remote MARGO LAKE we see on the upper edge
 a patch of MOSS developing what we can call the

We are seeing SPOROPHYTES that contain many spores

Eventually the SPORES  will be distributed 
far and wide to create new patches of MOSS which will be 

2024 's SPRING was wonderfully wet that had the Foothills of Timpanogos come alive like I hadn't seen before, especially with the grasses and wildlife forage plants like Alfalfa and Sweet Clover.

However, on May 15th, one week before the above picture was taken,  the last significant rain fell in our foothills  until August 15th.....3 months basically without rain that made a difference.  

Yes,  down in the valley it rained a few times but in the parched foothills  it wasn't enough to help.  The moisture was swollowed up in an instant or quickly dashed down the ravines in flash floods.....and didn't sink in.  What was needed each time was a sustained rain over several days so it could sink in  and be there for a few days.  We all of a sudden were in the middle of a drought in the hills that affected some of the important plants. 

In 2023 when I started this project with hikes in the foothills  it was already March 15th and many plants had germnated already, so I missed photographing their beginnings and hoped to do so in 2024 and I achieved that with those that germinated early in the year. 

Desert plants  don't have a problem with drought conditions, like:  Sagebrush, Rabbitbrush, Curlycup gumweed, yucca, prickly pear cactus, most of the thistles, Gables oak, Cliff rose, Junipers and other trees, and plants.... there was no problem.   
But, there were others like Russian thistle, Common  sunflower, Redstem Filaree,  Creeping Spurge, and others  that required the high temperatures of mid-summer but also needed some moisture to germinate.
 Watching and waiting daily for plants to germinate and then grow to blossoming, and last of all to seed production and be able to document their  development with a photographic record...had me very aware of what was happening. 
The Drought, following an abundantly green Spring, also produced a Plague of grasshoppers that wreaked havok with Alfalfa and Sweet Clover, and then they went to work on  plants less tasty  which they had to accept. 

One hiking friend had been hiking these hills for 30 years and commented, 
"I've  never seen it so bad!"
To end this chapter we will get a good look at the two plants....maybe not affected a lot by the  DROUGHT  rather by  the resultant  PLAGUE: 

But first  let me show you some of the plants drastically affected, and how some of them adjusted a bit nature's normal to be able to survive and keep alive the DIVINE VISIONS of NATURE.
The most drastic example follows with a few pictures from 2023.
It's a tiny but quite beautiful plant:
#107 - Chaptrer 6 -  Creeping or Prostrate Spurge
In the first two pictures below were taken on August 8th...2023.

The picture on the left is with my trekking pole to give you an idea as to the plant's  small size.  On the right if you look close you can see the tiny flowers, which are many times enlarged below.  

I first looked for   pictures of this plant in my 2024 file.......
but I couldn't find any.  
Because in the DROUGHT of 2024 this beautiful plant 

It did down in the valley where water from sprinklers, and irrigation in our vegetable gardens made it possible. So, as far as my observations went, this is the only one I'm familiar with that had
 a year off completely!

There are several others examples of near misses it might be best to describe: 

The first is a fascinating parasitic plant that you have read about already in Chapter 6, it being:
In 2023:

There were many masses of this plant  in the Grass area, and elsewhere.  It waits for germination to give the plants it would live off of a chance to grow enough to be used and then 
Its own root system can't sustain it, so it quickly has to attach itself to a living plant from which it will get its sustenance.

So it  wraps itself around a plant and connects its system to theirs  to live and develop its reproduction phase with a tiny beautiful flower. 

And in turn provides sustenance to others life forms. 

But in 2024 I almost gave up finding any of them germinating.

   Finally I found a  very small one along the trail near one of the Black Widow dens I have monitored for the last year.  
Later I found one more  in the Grass area even  smaller as you can see below that had one tough time with the DROUGHT and soon both discoveries sort of burned up  as
 I will show you!

Below we are seeing where it was attaching itself, 
but to a plant that was dying!

The Dodder Plant literally burned up!

Another plant came close to the same pattern, especially in what it develops into and is known for. 
 I'm talking about:
#18  - RUSSIAN THISTLE - chapter 2
that normally becomes

In Utah Valley we don't have that kind of problem but just above the
 Grove Creek Trailhead in 2023 we did have develop a couple of
 tumbleweeds.  I'll just show you one of them that started early in the
 summer with germination and the development of the
 Russian Thistle plant:

By early September it (and others) had grown 
into a big plant we see below.

It actually has a beautiful flower and produces thousands of seeds. 

By early October the entire plant is in full blossom and
 then enters the decline of color into winter. 

This picture was taken on November 2, 2023 with the plant now
 dried up and only awaiting  some strong winds to uproot it and turn
 it into a 
By the end of July no Russian Thistles had germinated! 
 But, with a good rain in mid-August, I all of a sudden detected in
 front of the above tumbleweed a plant germinating.

In this picture above you can note the abundant growth of grasses in the Spring of 2024....then producing an acute fire hazard....which luckly never happened.

But it was so late in the season there wouldn't be enough time for normal development of these plants. 

There were other Russian Thistle plants germinating  and 
growing as best they could. 
Up the canyon a 100 yards I found a grouping of 
new plants I began  following 
in front of an Evening Primrose .  

Even as tiny, undeveloped plants they were determined to 
reproduce by blossoming and producing at least some seeds.  

Usually prior to blssoming the plant grows to a large size as we saw for plants in 2023.  But 2024 was different with still tiny plants blossoming.  It could be compared to a small 9 or 10 year old child trying to have a baby to keep the human race alive!

But, many died before doing so as we see below with our 
sample Russian thistle and tumbleweed.  

This small plant did have a blossom or two, and 
probably produced a few seeds, but the DROUGHT  too
 its toll.

Much the same could be said about a few other plants, 
like Filaree, Goat's head puncture weed, White woods Aster,
 and others.
Maybe I shoulld actually show you the one that was FIRST, now shown LAST....

Last of all, before we get to the PLAGUE, we have to take a peek at
 the flowering plant that normally paints our foothills yellow!


All of the above photographs were taken in 2023.
But, in 2024 both the 
Common Sunflower and the Dwarf Sunflower 
were in short supply  except for a scattered few. 

In this panorama showing my route up to the giant Juniper tree, 
and on to the VALLEY VIEW SPOT  
no masses of Sunflower are seen.

 in the 
Below we see a plant as it ended 2023 and begins 2024

In SPRING the pererenial plant coming alive

And new plants germinating

With the wet Spring growing and spreading like never before.

The wonderful wet SPRING not only multiplied lush grasses and
 plants, but also gave birth to an
Tiny ones.....

....and not so tiny ones, all thought that 
looked pretty darned GOOD!

So, there was an invasion!

Pretty soon the leaves were all gone!

So they started to eat the not so tasty bark.... better than nothing!

Soon just stark skeletons were left with little or 
no opportunity for blossoming and reproduction!

They looked around, and what do you know....they found......
.....grass in abundance, but it wasn't the same!

But they didn't have to look too far....and found 

#87 - Chap. 6

It had multiplied in recent years, and was almost as good as Alfalfa, so......manos a la obra! 

Soon the SWEET CLOVER leaves were gone too! 

So, back to eating bark!

One of my resting rocks that had been hidden by the 
Sweet clover and Alfalfa,
 now was visible again in all its naked glory!

But, where had the grasshoppers gone? 
 In their desperation what had they turned to?

Some were stuping to grass again, but it was humiliating to have to eat a low protein food.....

One of them looked around and thought that at least RABBITBRUSH 
was beautiful, so best give it a try. 

They all got scattered in their survival efforts, some trying flowers....

.....then back to the humble grasses....dry ones!

.....even dry Cheat grass

One even tried the colorful LICHENS...
...Rocky Mountain goats eat them, why can't  grasshoppers?

A few tried Sagebrush but it only works if you care about your breath!

One thought......stinky little beetles eat Moth Mullein seeds
I'd best  give it a try!

Another in despereation finally settled with 
Great Burdock,
just being careful to not get caught on those
"velcro" hooks!

Well the foothills and your "recovering cripple"  author, along with the grasshoppers, survived 2024, leaving only to  mention ......
...... that looks great below to begin the summer season with its  shinny leaves early in the season........

.......but mid-season the DROUGHT  was more than it could take 
and a significant rain once in mid-August wasn't enough to do the needed miracle......so, we'll have to hope 2025 is a better year. 

This patch finally produced....TWO FRUITS!

Last of all I have to mention and report that the 
DROUGHT was also bad news for POISON IVY, 
especially for the small plants along the road 
that somehow got started there  in full sunlight and in rocky, dry
 terrain.....not good for Poison Ivy as you can see below in parting!

In the evening of my life I shall look to the sunset,
At a moment in my life when the night is due.
And the question I shall ask only God can answer.
Was I brave and strong and true?
Did I fill the world with love my whole life through?

Now, on to Chapter 8 and a pictorial Summary of all we have learned
 Click to return to HOME

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