Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 27, 2011 letter to "Contributors and Friends"

 NOTE:  Sent via email and printed for those for whom we have no email address.
Scroll down to the 2nd page to see  the 2011 graduates from the Patzicia Foundation School
                                                                 October 27, 2011
 Dear Friends and Contributors:                                    
Two wonderful video reports have been shown lately on KSL TV about LDS Humanitarian Service projects in the remote Senahu area of Guatemala.  They are both welcome reports that show real problems being solved among people with great needs.  Those involved in the projects  likely don’t know what happened 36 years ago resulting in them being there today.  
It all started in 1976 with one of the great Foundation stories described in a photo/essay entitled, Chulac/Polochic in the Success Stories section along the right side of the website. 
Interestingly in that experience in 1976 some thought it unwise to start something in such a remote area—but the foundation was always dedicated to such needy people who nobody at that time seemed to care about. In addition to literally saving lives, the Foundation believed that their efforts would stimulate important and well funded individuals and institutions into getting active and doing great projects that would make a big difference.  In the history Cordell Andersen is quoted, even before moving to Guatemala, saying:
"I knew that my contribution would be small, but more than anything else I envisioned stimulating powerful individuals and institutions into significant action and  perceived that once it was accomplished I would gladly accept being forgotten."  (from the Valparaiso Center CID--Center for Indian Development Success Story).
The Foundation's work is far from "being forgotten" as he mentions, or even slowing down as KSL's TV reports show just  how the work eventually opened up the way for further significant efforts.  Please help the Foundation continue with projects that stimulate other institutions to action, and thus multiply the good being done in Guatemala.
It’s sort of like priming the pump to get water flowing.  Help with whatever donations you can handle and make possible keeping the projects alive, and motivating others to also do more.
You can get links to the two KSL TV video reports at   You can also easily donate online at this link:   How To Help, or send your donation to the Foundation at the address listed above.
You can also help multiply the efforts by forwarding this letter to your friends.  The Guatemalan  representatives are doing a great job, and capable of doing more helping their most needy people,  but   more people need to get involved giving them the support they need.  Please help right now.
Sincerely,  THE GUATEMALAN FOUNDATION                                  
P.S.  As will be explained in a newsletter this next weekend the students successfully finished the school year at The Ariel & Ines Andersen Chuluc School and the GF Patzicia School.   A photo will be inserted below of one of the graduating groups.  The last Foundation hurdel is being about $3,000 short on paying their 11 teachers the benefits Guatemalan law requires by December,  so help all you can. 
With that done the schools need to prepare for the new school year in January.  It is also hoped that by January  the funds will be available to again provide the 5,000 rural students in Santa Cruz Verapaz with the school supplies they need to get a good start with their education, plus always having a fund for the Emergency Projects so critical in this poorest area in Guatemala. 
The upcoming newsletter (VOICE),  will have a message from David Andersen, one time Executive Director, and for many years a Foundation Trustee.  Click on the following link if for any reason you didn't see the last VOICE and YouTube video featuring a message from Ernest L. Wilkinson talking about the Foundation's work.
NOTE:  This was done for email.  If you have an email address, please send it to us, and you will get future mailings online and be able to use the links .
Go to the website to see this with functioning links.

Page Two
Below we see one of the two graduating classes from the Patzicia Foundation School
In the Guatemalan Central Highlands
There have now been over 1,400 graduates of the school who have gone on to be successful and productive Guatemalans.  Those graduates, their parents, and friends in Guatemala now provide 23% of the support for this wonderful school.  Please help the Foundation continue to help there, and in all the  projects in Guatemala.