Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Dear Friends & Supporters:
I was supposed to be in the mountains working on my High Uintas Project right now, but felt the urgency of returning to Springville and discovered a great need of doing some kind of promotion before I did anything else. I'll just quickly tell you what is happening and then will post below a simple newsletter I put together last night. I printed and sent in the mail to those on our mailing list who don't have email, and sent also to some of you who have donated lately.

I guess most everyone has been on vacation,  but the fact is that during July the Foundation only received $535 in donations, plus $174.81 from oil property royalties, for a total income of $709.81 for the month.

U.S. expenses  for Administration and Promotion came to $260.92 .
Project expenses in Guatemala were $3,076.92, bringing the total to $3,337.84.

There was a similar loss for June, and it's easy to see that if that trend continues we will come up way short of being able to finish the school year at our schools in Patzicia, and of course we are stymied in our projects in Alta Verapaz.  That has us very concerned and I thought it best to level with all of you who have become our partners, some for many years, in this nearly 50 year long effort.

We are grateful for those of you who consistently are helping, some of you for many years, but somehow we need to do better.  Please continue to help us as best you can, and help us find new people who need the blessings of giving hope to  a very needy, and noble people.  Now the newsletter.

Scroll down for LARGE VERSION

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